
Monday, December 21, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: DHS placing patriots on domestic terror watch lists in unlawful attempt to escalate violent interactions with police - Natural News

In countries like China and the U.S., there’s always many lists of people to keep an eye on, due to the element of power. If you’re pro-life, pro-gun, part of a big organization, support a third party, or a believer of Jesus or Buddha, who knows what kind of list you may be on now. It’s what you represent that fears the Powers That Be. - FUA

(NaturalNews) EXCLUSIVE: The Department of Homeland Security is intentionally placing local law enforcement in harm's way by knowing (and falsely) entering the license plates of patriot-oriented radio hosts in the federal "terror watch" database. The aim of this tactic is to intentionally cause escalations of high-tension interactions between local police and pro-gun patriots, knowing that local law enforcement will respond to terror watch list hits with an escalated engagement posture involving firearms being drawn and pointed at the suspects.

The DHS -- obviously at the command of an anti-American Obama regime that absolutely despises both patriots and police officers -- is hoping that either the patriot suspect opens fire on police or that overreacting police open fire on the patriot. Either way, this serves the agenda of the Obama regime and creates a powerful narrative that mainstream media can use to call for nationwide gun confiscation.

How do we know all this? Because Pete Santilli, the host of Off the Hook on, was pulled over by a police officer in Cincinnatti just two days ago. His license plate was flagged by the federal "terror watch list," causing this police officer to respond with a very aggressive, high alert stance with his primary firearm drawn and pointed at Pete and his passenger (the terrorism "suspects").

This response by the police officer was entirely appropriate based on the intel he received from DHS. After all, thanks to open borders and insane refugee resettlement programs, the Obama regime is actively transplanting ISIS terrorists across the United States, readying them for being activated in a nationwide terror wave (see "Obama is a Sleeper Cell" to learn more). But what this police officer did not know is that he was being manipulated by DHS as part of a scheme that deliberately places police officers in harm's way by causing them to collide with "patriots" who are fraudulently placed on the government's terror watch list.

Read for more -

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A bill could give law enforcement access to social media, in the name of terrorism

Video from Newsy - Facebook, Twitter and others could have measures in place to report terrorist activity to law enforcement, thanks to a U.S. bill in the works.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Huge: Monsanto Going to Trial for Crimes Against Humanity

This is perfect, now we got Monsanto right where we want them – in an international court of law. Good news perhaps, but it’s a good start. - FUA

If you’ve been waiting to finally see Monsanto – one of the most hated companies in the world – to pay for its ecocide, knowing harm of human life, and devastation of our pollinators, then you won’t have to wait much longer. Several activist groups joined by food and farming experts are suing Monsanto for their crimes against humanity. [1]

Finally, Monsanto, the US-based, transnational company responsible for introducing multiple genetically modified crops and numerous toxic chemicals into our environment – including saccharin, aspartame, polystyrene, DDT, dioxin, Agent Orange, petroleum based fertilizers, recombinant bovine growth hormones (rGBH), Round Up (glyphosate), Lasso (an herbicide used in Europe), Bt toxic plants, and more – will have to answer to the world for its reign of terror. Monsanto has acted with severe negligence, and the hubris and supremacy of a corporation given personhood, but no longer.

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA), IFOAM International Organics, Navdanya, Regeneration International (RI), and Millions Against Monsanto, along with dozens of global food, farming, and environmental justice groups announced at the United Nations conference held recently in Paris that an international court of lawyers and judges will assess Monsanto’s criminal liability for their atrocious acts.

The court, in The Hague, Netherlands, will use the UN’s ‘Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ developed in 2011 to assess damages for Monsanto’s acts against human life and the environment.

The court will also rely on the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2002, and it will consider whether to reform international criminal law to include crimes against the environment, or ecocide, as a prosecutable criminal offense.

This International Criminal Court, established in 2002 in The Hague, has determined that prosecuting ecocide as a criminal offense is the only way to guarantee the rights of humans to a healthy environment and the right of nature to be protected.

Speaking at the press conference, Ronnie Cummins, international director of the OCA (US) and Via Organica (Mexico), and member of the RI Steering Committee, said:

“The time is long overdue for a global citizens’ tribunal to put Monsanto on trial for crimes against humanity and the environment. . . Corporate agribusiness, industrial forestry, the garbage and sewage industry and agricultural biotechnology have literally killed the climate-stabilizing, carbon-sink capacity of the Earth’s living soil.”

The proceedings will take place on World Food Day, October 16, 2016.

Source - Natural Society

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Is World War III upon us? Alex Jones gives his emergency message on the warning signs we need to look into. - FUA

Due to the frightening developments of the last few days Alex sounds his
third Emergency Alert as the world marches dangerously close to the
eruption of WWIII. From the elite scrambling away to armored redoubts,
to the sabre rattling of Ergodan the unhinged Turkish P.M. we are
hurtling towards the precipice of full scale war.

Obama On Planned Parenthood Shooting: 'We Can't Let It Become Normal'

When Obama keeps saying that these shootings are not to be considered normal, it is only a matter of time for the stage to be set for gun confiscations and bans in America. - FUA

President Barack Obama released a statement Saturday morning addressing Friday's mass shooting at a Colorado Springs branch of Planned Parenthood, which left three dead, including a police officer, and nine injured.

Striking an all-too-familiar theme of his presidency, Obama focused on the scourge of gun violence. Read the whole thing below:

The last thing Americans should have to do, over the holidays or any day, is comfort the families of people killed by gun violence -- people who woke up in the morning and bid their loved ones goodbye with no idea it would be for the last time.

And yet, two days after Thanksgiving, that’s what we are forced to do again.

We don’t yet know what this particular gunman’s so-called motive was for shooting twelve people, or for terrorizing an entire community, when he opened fire with an assault weapon and took hostages at a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado. What we do know is that he killed a cop in the line of duty, along with two of the citizens that police officer was trying to protect.  We know that law enforcement saved lives, as so many of them do every day, all across America.  And we know that more Americans and their families had fear forced upon them.

This is not normal.  We can’t let it become normal.  If we truly care about this -- if we’re going to offer up our thoughts and prayers again, for God knows how many times, with a truly clean conscience -- then we have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them.  Period.  Enough is enough.

May God bless Officer Garrett Swasey and the Americans he tried to save -- and may He grant the rest of us the courage to do the same thing.

Source - Huffington Post

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

State Department Issues Travel Advisory for Entire Planet

When there is a Worldwide Terror Alert, things on Earth are likely going to get really weird this holiday season. - FUA

The government has issued terror warnings for every holiday since September 11, 2001. It is particularly fond of frightening people around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

This year is no exception.

On Monday the State Department issued a “Worldwide Travel Alert.”

You’re not safe anywhere.

“The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats. Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions. These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests. This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016,” the alert posted on the State Department’s website says.

In addition to being frightened when traveling, Americans are advised to be nervous “in public places,” “crowed places” (sic) and “holiday festivals or events.”

You should “follow the instructions of local authorities” and “monitor media” such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, the usual propaganda outlets that hype nonexistent terror threats.

If you plan to travel abroad during the holiday, the government says you should register with them.

You can also get the latest scary information by calling a toll free telephone number and by following the government’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Incidentally, according to Jeh Johnson at the Department of Homeland Security, there is no “specific,” “credible” or “imminent” terror threat at this time.

And remember–you are more likely to be killed by lightning than terrorists.

Happy holidays!


CENSORSHIP SHOCK: bans investigative book 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook' because it disagrees with government version of what happened

If sites like Amazon can censor this, they can censor books like Brave New World or George Orwell’s 1984. It’s no question that alternative media sources are under attack, either by people or artificial intelligence. - FUA

(NaturalNews) In a stunning demonstration of online book burning, has just banned a book because of its contents. The book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook consists of analysis from a dozen contributor authors, and it's edited by Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. The book concludes that Sandy Hook was a staged FEMA drill carried out by the government to push an agenda of nationwide gun control.
Use hashtag #StopAmazonCensorship to Tweet this story.

We have a full download of the book below in PDF form, so keep reading if you want to find out what's so "dangerous" about this book that Amazon had to ban it...
Whether the authors' conclusions are well-founded or complete lunacy isn't the point here. has selectively targeted this book for censorship due to the political incorrectness of the author's conclusions. Remember, went out of its way to ban Confederate flags in the aftermath of another shooting, enforcing a grotesque, almost Stalinist political correctness in its decision to pull Confederate flag merchandise from its online store (including children's toys like the General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzard).

Yet at the same time, Amazon sells tens of thousands of books asserting all sorts of bizarre things, from authors who believe the Earth is literally flat to Adolf Hitler's pro-genocidal Mein Kampf.

Read for more -

Monday, November 23, 2015

Obama in Malaysia: ‘You’ll See Oceans Rise…More Drought, More Flooding, Bigger Hurricanes, Typhoons

Sadly, they failed to mention that some of the rapid weather change is engineered to make it look like our climate is in chaos. As for the implementation of climate actions plans locally, our freedoms are bring put in jeopardy just to deal with global warming, which is a corporate scam – such as carless days, smart meters, using Energy-Star RFID chipped appliances, etc. - FUA

( - Speaking today at a townhall meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, President Barack Obama warned that if the world does not “stop the amount of carbon that we send up” there will be everything from rising oceans to more droughts and more floods and bigger hurricanes and typhoons.

Obama was speaking to a group of people associated with the Young Southeast Asia Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), a program sponsored by the U.S. State Department.

“The science is very clear that because of the carbon emissions that we send in, mostly from the use of fossil fuels--oil, gas, coal--the temperatures worldwide, on average, are getting higher,” said Obama. “And that begins to change weather patterns.  The oceans begin to get warmer.  The ice in the Arctic begins to melt.  And you get a feedback loop that as things get warmer that creates even more of a trend towards warming.

Read for more - CNS news

Friday, November 20, 2015

TSA confiscates child's toy, says it resembles weapon

Another one of those cases of art imitating life, a child and his family became a target of the TSA over a toy gun. - FUA

PHILADELPHIA -- It's not the kind of "toy story" a Pennsylvania family had hoped for.

They say TSA officials sent their five-year-old son's Buzz Lightyear toy to "infinity and beyond."

CBS Philadelphia reports that the Zilka family was returning home from a trip to Disney World, where the boy's uncle bought him a Buzz Lightyear "flip grip."

However, security officials at Fort Lauderdale airport said it looked too much like a gun.

Read for more - CBS News

Thursday, November 19, 2015

High dose of vitamin C kills cancer cells in mice

Have you taken vitamin C or multivitamins lately? It just may slow down cancer or tumor growth, is what this study finds. Also it’s good for immune system health. - FUA

A new study published in Science presents evidence that perhaps some of the apparently extravagant ideas about vitamin C were not completely off base. The study in question examined human colorectal cancers containing specific genetic mutations that are found in up to half of these cancers. These cells ended up drawing in so much vitamin C that it caused their death.

The researchers used a cell culture and subsequent experiments in mice to explore the effects of high doses of vitamin C on cancer cells. The initial data came from an application of vitamin C and metabolized versions of vitamin C to a cell culture that included both mutated cancer cells and wild type control cells. The cancerous cells carried two mutations (in KRAS and BRAF) that are commonly found in colorectal cancers.

Their results indicated that the colorectal cancer cells were more likely to absorb the vitamin C metabolite than the cells without those mutations. This is due to an up regulation of the protein that pulls vitamin C and its metabolites into cells. These cells imported so much of these chemicals that they experienced cell death.

The researchers then grafted tumors with these mutations into mice to see if these results would hold within an animal. They again found that the vitamin C was selectively toxic to the tumors containing KRAS mutations, effectively killing these cells.

Further examination of the effects of vitamin C revealed that it reduced the availability of intracellular energy units known as ATP, causing a critical lack of energy in these cells.

This study’s most important finding is its identification of the cellular pathway involved in cancer killing. The researchers found that the therapeutically active chemical is the vitamin C metabolite dehydroascorbate. It caused increased vitamin C uptake through the upregulation of GLUT1 transporters in mutated cells, but this didn’t take place in normal cells.

Use of vitamin C as a cancer therapy has been controversial. Early studies showed it to have some utility in treating cancer, whereas others indicated it had little effect.

The most famous advocate of vitamin C as a cancer treatment was Linus Pauling, a scientist and activist who received Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Peace. His later years were marked by an obsession with using high doses of vitamin C as a panacea to treat everything from cancer to the common cold, even though the evidence supporting this was patchy at best. This largely earned him contempt from the scientific community.

This research, as well as other emerging research on the potential therapeutic uses of high-dose vitamin C to treat cancer, has the potential to vindicate this part of Pauling’s legacy—rather than a brilliant scientist who became a heretic later in life, he may simply have been a scientist with an idea that wasn’t yet supported by the available evidence.

From Ars Technica

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Paris attacks: Debunking the conspiracy theories – France 24

It’s strange to see the mainstream media such as France 24 taking a swing as conspiracy researchers. One has to remember, those who benefit from false flags have backdoor access to the media and many functions of government – the two main players behind any deception. They have their crisis actors, their psyop units, facilitators, etc. It doesn’t hurt much to investigate and dig deep into the Paris attacks. It’s still early to say whether it was real or staged.

With every problem, staged or real, comes with a reaction, then a solution – the likely solution to stomp on your freedoms and protect the elite powerbrokers that control much of the world. - FUA

With every new terrorist attack, new conspiracy theories quickly emerge. Their goal is always to go against the official version of events. And the November 13 attacks in Paris are no exception. Dozens of posts and videos exposing these theories have spread online – some of them as early as the night of the attacks. However, they often fail to back their claims with supporting evidence and at best they try to convince with half-baked truths. Their objective is always to spread doubt. Here are a few examples…

The actress who cries at every terrorist attack?

When conspiracy theories are debunked by other Internet users, it’s rarely enough to keep them from spreading. This case is a good example. These photos, which have been widely shared online, are said to be of an actress whose role, the conspiracy theorists say, is to act like a distraught witness at terrorist attacks “orchestrated by our governments”. They claim they’ve spotted the same woman at the Boston marathon bombing, at the Aurora movie theatre shooting, and at Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.

But if you look a bit closer, they don’t look all that much alike, apart from the fact that they all have brown hair and are crying. And in the past, journalists have already tracked down these three women, proving they are not one and the same.
However, this has not stopped some people from claiming that this “actress” was also present at the November 13 Paris attacks. They used a photo of a young brown-haired woman being evacuated by firemen, taken by an AFP photographer.

The woman’s face has since been blurred by the press agency to preserve her anonymity, but our journalists were shown the non-blurred version. Unsurprisingly, it is clearly not the same woman as in any of the other photos.

“It must be fake, since the Internet predicted it!”

Following the attacks, Internet users pointed out posts on social networks that they saw as strangely premonitory, leading them to believe the authorities were aware of the impending tragedy.
This tweet, which was published two days before the attacks, had been widely shared since:

The account has since gone offline.
In reality, this Twitter user is no prophet, just a particularly prolific guesser. The account PZFeed Ebooks generates automatic tweets, usually false and random information that looks like news headlines.
As this capture shows, the “premonitory” death toll of the Paris attacks was a pure coincidence.

This account tweeted the same toll, “120 dead and 270 injured”, for Ebola (published on November 10), for an attack on a Nigerian mosque (published on October 6), for a school massacre in Peshawar (published on September 9), etc…

Read for more info - France 24

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

French Monsanto research site destroyed by fire in arson attack

While Monsanto and their entourage call this a arson attack, others call it a victory, because of their agenda of altering the genetic code of our food and crops on the planet. This is proof that the reputation and willpower of Monsanto (or Monsatan, dubbed by others) is starting to break down. - FUA

RENNES, France • A Monsanto research center in western France suffered heavy fire damage in a suspected arson attack early Wednesday morning, the official in charge of the site said.

The official, Jakob Witten, said police investigators "strongly suspect it was a crime as no electrical or other sources were found."

The fire was ignited from two different places at the site, where about 10 people work and which is specialized in corn research. The smell of gasoline lingered near the building, which had heavy damage in its reception hall and offices.

"No Monsanto sites in Europe have so far been the victim of fires of criminal origin, this is unprecedented violence," Witten said.

The Creve Coeur-based company is the frequent target of criticism in France over concerns about genetically modified crops it has developed.

The government said last month it would use a new European opt-out scheme to ensure a ban on the cultivation of GM crops in France remains in place

French Monsanto research site damaged in suspected arson attack - Yahoo News

Thursday, October 29, 2015

POLICE STATE: Spring Valley High School Officer From Violent Arrest Video Fired

Regardless of whether the student initiated it all or not, her actions were not much of a big deal to the school and the SRO in getting her cuffed and stuffed. The videos are proof enough that we’re in a police state in America right now.

Believe it or not, this is one of those deals when school admins, security guards and SROs try to make something out of a non-violent situation. Try researching about a special-needs child at an elementary school who has ADHD getting cuffed. - FUA

A South Carolina sheriff's deputy seen hurling a student to the ground and then dragging her across the floor in a widely viewed video has been fired, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott said Wednesday. Deputy Ben Fields had been on administrative leave since the Monday incident.

"Deputy Ben Fields did wrong Monday," Lott said, adding that Fields had been terminated from the department roughly 20 minutes before the noon press announcement. The department's investigation into Fields' conduct was complete in just 48 hours.

But even as he announced Fields' firing, Lott appeared to defend the deputy's actions and shift at least some of the blame for the encounter to the student, whom he described as "very disruptive and very disrespectful."

"We must not lose sight that the whole incident was started by this student," he said.

The violent classroom arrest at Spring Valley High School in Columbia prompted a local investigation from the sheriff's department, the state's attorney's office as well as a federal probe into whether Fields, who is white, violated the civil rights of the 16-year-old student, who is black.

Fields' behavior was swiftly condemned by everyone from school officials to presidential candidates. Richland School District 2 Superintendent Debbie Hamm on Tuesday called Fields' actions "outrageous and unforgivable."

Students filmed the encounter in the classroom, and the videos went viral. On Tuesday, Lott called the footage "disturbing," but denied race was a factor because Fields "has been dating an African-American woman for quite some time." On Wednesday, he said he welcomed "people to video us doing our job."

"As in any incident, videos are very useful to us. We’re glad that students took the videos," Lott said. But he cautioned that videos are just a snapshot and "don’t tell the complete picture." 

Fields arrested the teen girl after she reportedly ignored her teacher's order to put away her cell phone. The aggressive discipline is just one example of the school-to-prison pipeline phenomenon, in which black children are more likely to be criminalized for their behavior than their white peers.

Lott said his department was solely investigating whether Fields broke department policy, and that he reached out to other authorities to handle the broader criminal and civil rights investigations.

"I don’t feel proper procedures were used at this point," Lott said. "The maneuver he used was not based on training, or acceptable."

The 16-year-old student and one of her peers in the class were both charged with disturbing the schools, USA Today reports. Lott said Wednesday that he understood the charges against the students have not been dropped.

Fields, who joined the sheriff's office in 2004 and became a school resource officer in 2008, has been sued twice before over his conduct. A jury ruled in Fields' favor in a 2007 excessive force suit, and the deputy is awaiting trial on the second suit over a student's alleged wrongful expulsion. 

When asked if Fields felt sorry for the incident, Lott said he didn't "know if the word is remorse. He tried to do his job, and that's what he feels like he did." 

Source article

Monday, October 19, 2015

Did a High School Student Hack CIA Director’s Email?

One has to ask, why would a high ranking official in government get access to an AOL account, when many government agencies are using email accounts issued by one of their own, that are much more secure and not so accessible to the outside world? Most organizations have secure email systems in what's call the Intranet (closed/private network). - FUA

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The FBI and the Secret Service are investigating reports that CIA Director John Brennan’s personal email had been hacked, although no classified information had been accessed, CNN said.

The New York Post reported on Monday that a high school student claimed to have hacked into Brennan’s private AOL account and the Comcast account of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

The hacker told the Post Brennan’s private account contained sensitive files including his 47-page application for top-secret security clearance.

The CIA does not believe any classified information was compromised, according to CNN.

The teenager said he accessed Johnson’s account and also listened to his voicemails, the newspaper reported.

“We are aware of the media report, however as a matter of policy, we do not comment on the secretary’s personal security,” a DHS spokesman said.

According to the Post, the hacker described himself as an American high school student who is not Muslim and was motivated by opposition to U.S. foreign policy and support for Palestine.

Reuters could not immediately verify the reports.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Community College Where 10 Shot Dead Was a Gun Free Zone

As always, President Obama in his press conference did not hesitate in bringing about the issue of gun control in America.

Plus, if the college campus website said that the campus was gun-free, why did the mainstream media said that those with permits can carry guns in around the area? This mass shooting is worth looking into.

The college website is still inaccessible as of this posting. - FUA

The scene at the Oregon’s Umpqua Community College where at least ten people were shot dead earlier today was a gun-free zone, ensuring that the victims were left defenseless against the killer.

10 people were killed and 20 injured after the gunman opened fire at the Roseburg college campus. According to authorities, the shooter is now in police custody.

A post on the Umpqua Community College website (which is currently down) outlines the fact that the campus was a gun free zone where even water pistols were banned.

“Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited.

Possession of knives with a blade longer than 4” is prohibited.

Brandishing weapons is prohibited.

Misuse of personal defensive weapons – e.g., pepper spray, etc. is prohibited. The owner is responsible and accountable for any misuse of these devices.”

In addition, CBS Seattle reports that “Joe Olson, former president of the college, told The Associated Press the school has only one security officer on duty at a time, and that person isn’t armed.”

This means that innumerable responsible people on campus who could have stopped the shooter before he was able to carry out his rampage were prohibited from doing so.

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, the usual suspects have rushed to call for gun control, again proving themselves unable to wait until the bodies are even cold before exploiting the tragedy to push their political agenda.

Piers Morgan waited barely minutes after news of the shooting broke to begin advocating for restrictions on the Second Amendment. - Community College Where 10 Shot Dead Was a Gun Free Zone

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fourth industrial explosion rocks China

And yet another explosion inside China – since these explosions are days apart, you can bet that something’s up. – FUA

(NaturalNews) A fourth industrial explosion has rocked China, this time in the Zhejiang province.

When the Tianjin explosion happened right after China's currency devaluation (i.e. currency war), Natural News was told by Chinese dissidents that the United States was engaged in "kinetic retaliation" against China for its cyber warfare attacks and currency moves. Naysayers insisted Tianjin was just a "random event" and wouldn't be repeated.

Then a retaliatory explosion destroyed a U.S. military weapons depot in Tokyo. A sabotage device was found on the scene, all but proving the explosion was deliberate sabotage.

Soon after, another massive explosion ripped through China's Shandong province, followed by a third industrial explosion at the same time Chinese warships were spotted off the coast of Alaska. Suddenly, "coincidence theorists" began to silently slink away, hoping no one would remember how they said the explosions were just random chance and wouldn't continue.

As I wrote just five days ago, "Watch for yet more war posturing, currency devaluation moves, debt dumping attacks, cyber warfare, strategic hacking and "unexplained" explosions throughout the remainder of 2015. These are not random events. They are all part of the war with China that has already begun."

Now, a fourth industrial explosion confirms the pattern. As Reuters now reports:

Source article -

Friday, September 4, 2015

Police State: Undercover FBI agents spy on Burning Man festival to prevent ‘terrorism'

Is the FBI taking the fun out of Burning Man? They’ve been spying on the Burners and the activities since 2010 – why would the feds be interested in Burning Man if it is all about promoting expression and creativity? Nothing much to do with terrorism.

The Feds have done this to Burning Man, you can bet they will do this at any venue, whether it’s a music festival, state fairs, conventions, etc. - FUA

The FBI has admitted to gathering secret intelligence about the annual Burning Man festival since 2010.

In response to a request under the 2012 Freedom of Information Act, the security service said its Special Events Management unit has kept files on festival-goers, known as 'burners' - to 'aid in the prevention of terrorist activites and intelligence collection'.

But the FBI's 16-page response to the question by Inkoo Kang is heavily redacted, with information about the technology being used to secretly gather the information being blanked out.

The revelation comes as the 29th Burning Man takes place in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. 

The FBI document describes the festival as a 'cultural and artisan event, which promote (sic) free expression by the participants'.  

The FBI said its involvement was 'even more critical in the light of the ongoing war on terrorism and the potential for additional acts of terrorism being committed in the United States.'  

But later the FBI warns: 'The greatest known threat in this event is crowd control issues and use of illegal drugs by participants.' 

The heavily-redacted document said that the Las Vegas FBI will work with all appropriate law enforcement agencies on the material it gathers.

The event is held in a remote area, branded Black Rock City, which is twelve miles from the nearest town, Gerlach, and 75 miles from Reno, Nevada. reported that Inkoo Kang submitted the FIOA request about he FBI's involvement in the annual event.  

According to the FBI report, participants, who are into 'free expression', pay a fee to enter the area. 'Once inside, the participants access to the venues is unrestricted.' 

Source article - Daily Mail Online

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Virginia WDBJ Shooting Hoax Blown Wide Open! Complete Crisis Actor Compilation! Busted!

If the Virginia WDBJ Shooting was a hoax made possible by crisis actors, they really done it well. but not well enough for many perceptive conspiracy researchers.

Seems they created the scene close enough to the live cameras, just because it happened live doesn’t necessarily mean it’s real, right off the bat. That’s where discernment comes in. - FUA

Is The Virginia Shooting Hoax Blowing Up in the MSM’s Face?

Gun control false flag crisis actors be warned: Facial recognition search software is going to bust you. Funny, the technology is easy enough to use on Facebook, one has to wonder why the mainstream media and police don’t use it for these alleged mass shooter events.

Actually, this is an even bigger warning to the billionaire “philanthropists” who back aggressive gun control initiatives and are likely backing these staged “events.” You’ve hired horrible actors. You’re going to get busted unless you back off. But, alas, we know your allegiance to the UN Small Arms Treaty requires you to push forward despite a growing number who know your game.

The latest reporter shooting hoax in Virginia is getting so easily torn apart by the conspiracy research community that the media’s emotional staging of actors is becoming absurd.

The latest discovery is that Alison Parker’s alleged fiancé Chris Hurst, who has only eight social media photos of him with Alison, is probably just her “TV” boyfriend. A guy named Daniel Wulz has been outed by facial recognition as her real-world boyfriend.

Some of the media’s photos of Alison are taken directly from Wulz’s Facebook account, which is now curiously unavailable.

Not surprisingly, Daniel Wulz, is also filmmaker. His YouTube channel described as “The combined efforts of our work featuring Independent Films, Concert Videos and Film trailers.”

A video posted to his YouTube channel has the description “Something I made when I was still learning film. Kinda crappy but whatever.” Video below:

Wulz posted a creepy new video to his YouTube channel today after a 7-month break, a shirtless rendition of a song “For Alison.” When will the media interview this guy who was so clearly a huge part of her life?

Many have already pointed out the acting background of the supposed father of the victim Alison Parker, Andy Parker. Perhaps it’s a coincidence that his background readied him for TV everyday since and including the day his daughter was allegedly murdered.

From the description to a recent Dutchsinse video: “While playing the banker, Andy Parker is also simultaneously doing Broadway plays and TV commercials reaching back multiple years. To top it off, he’s also a former politician !  He’s real “jack of all trades” it would seem. Pictures of Andy Parker’s latest performance as the lead star in Les Miserables! See screenshots from his 2013 performances here.”

All of these alleged mass shootings are immediately capitalized on by fake family members to call for more gun control. The media and the lawmakers are either completely in on the fraud or they’re being played like fools. When will they wake up?

UPDATE: Another amazing compilation of the crisis actors working on this hoax.

Source article - Conspiracyclub

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

New explosion in China, at Chinese chemical plant

If the Tianjin port explosion was said to be a false flag attack by the U.S., what about this one? - FUA

Just weeks after a massive blast in Tianjin port killed 158 in China, another explosion at a chemical plant killed at least one person, local media reported. The blast occurred Monday night in Dongying city, in the eastern province of Shandong.

The explosion occurred at the Diao Kou Xiang Bin Yuan Chemical Co., AFP reported citing a news website run by the local government. The blaze was extinguished about five hours later and "people in charge of the company" were detained by police, the website said.

The blast was so massive it could be seen and heard from a great distance. According to People's Daily, the blast happened at around 11:30pm local time (3:30pm GMT).

No immediate reports of casualties or damages were available.

Source article  — RT News

Friday, August 28, 2015

Top Scientist Who Exposed GMOs Silenced by Biotech

This is the beginning of the end for GMO companies like Monsanto, thanks to scientists like Arpad Pustazai. - FUA

If I had the choice, I certainly wouldn’t eat it,” said scientist Arpad Pustazai in an interview conducted after his study of GMOs.

Have you heard his name before? Likely not, since biotech made an example of him in 1998, launching an attack against any scientist that exposed just how toxic GM crops truly are. What did Pustazai find when he conducted trials on animals given genetically modified food? Read on to find out what Monsanto has suppressed for decades.

Dr. Pustazai’s comments about GMOs were aired on British television in the summer of 1998, and they were a viral flame that biotech decided to hose down as fast as they could. Dr. Pustazai has credentials as a world-renowned expert on food safety. He worked at one of the UK’s leading food safety research labs, the Rowett institute. The scientist has more than 300 articles to his credit, as well as three books. Nonetheless, just a few days after his public statement, he was suspended and gagged by the research institute where he worked.

Dr. Pustazai’s curriculum vitae is what afforded him a $3 million grant by the UK government to study GMOs. Dr. Pustazai was possibly the first, if not a primary scientist to point out that GM food was not at all substantially equivalent to non-GM foods.

He also pointed out that the testing procedures employed by the UK, and incidentally, this is true for the US as well, were inadequate to determine toxicity due to the short durations used. He said that this only ‘superficially’’ tested foods, and only longer-term studies would reveal their true detriment to human and animal health.

The biotech industry set out to make Dr. Pustazai look like a senile idiot, but what he found in his own longer-term studies was extremely telling. Later, 24 additional scientists in countries around the world confirmed Pustazai’s findings to be true.

Read: Former Pro-GMO Scientists Admits GMOs are Dangerous

When the doctor fed rats GM potatoes, within just 10 days, the animals developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, smaller brains, livers, and testicles, partially atrophied livers, and damaged immune systems. What’s more, the cause was most certainly side effects from the process of genetic engineering itself. In other words, the GM foods sold in grocery stores, which are created from the very same process, likely have similar effects on humans, according to Pustazai’s research.

How many more Dr. Pustazai’s are out there, do you think? Scientists that have been shamed, fired, discredited, or possibly worse, so that the biotech industry can continue selling the world poison? One example that comes straight to mind is Tyrone Hayes, a scientist who was discredited, gagged, and more by biotech giant Syngenta all because this biologist from UC Berkeley told the truth about the company’s herbicide Atrazine and its cancer-causing nature.

You can’t keep the truth a secret forever, though – even if you are a multi-billion dollar industry which uses illegal and immoral tactics. You can read Pustazai’s study in full, here.

Be sure to pass it along.

Source article - Natural Society

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Windows 10 violates your privacy by default, here's how you can protect yourself

Windows 10 appears to have more ways of getting personal information from its users – have you adjusted your privacy settings after you installed it? - FUA

Since the July 29 release of Windows 10, the tech world has been talking about the latest OS update from Microsoft. A mere 24 hours after its release, more than 14 million users had downloaded Windows 10.

The quick ramp up was due, in part, to Microsoft releasing the update as a free download for existing Windows users. Windows 10 also came with a new service model as Windows will be releasing service packs every few months to users.

The model itself got some backlash, especially from organizations that don't want to upgrade their system that frequently. More recently, though, some criticism has arisen over privacy concerns brought on by the new OS.

The first issue is that Windows 10 automatically assigns an advertising ID to each user on a device tied to the email address that's on file. Using that ID, the company can tailor ads for web-browsing and using certain applications.

The next concern is that much of users' personal data is synced with Microsoft's servers. Some of this information, like your Wi-Fi password, can then be encrypted and shared with your contacts, using a feature called Wi-Fi sense. Although, some have argued that this isn't a security risk, because the user must choose to share the network.

Additionally, Microsoft's personal assistant, Cortana, must collect data as well to provide the kind of service it does, but it is likely not better or worse than its Apple and Google contemporaries.

One of the biggest worries, though, is Microsoft's policy on disclosing or sharing your personal information. The following is an excerpt from the privacy policy:

"We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services."

The problem is that many users want personalized services, but it's difficult to draw the line at what data should be collected. Forrester's Tyler Shields said that instead of making these features default, Microsoft could have allowed users to opt-in later if they wanted to enable them.

"This is more of a privacy-friendly stance that may have been palatable to the general public," Shields said. "However, Microsoft would have had less adoption to its value added services had it made them opt-in, thus lessening the potential success of the Windows 10 launch."

So, how do you protect yourself from these issues? Here are some steps you can take to opt-on or disable some of the problematic features.

The first thing to note is that, if you haven't yet installed Windows 10 but you plan on doing so, make sure you that you do a custom install so you'll be able to pick and choose what is enabled at the onset. But, if you installed Windows 10 using Express settings, you can still disable some of the default privacy settings.

From the start button, click "Settings" and then click "Privacy" and click the "General" tab on the left sidebar. Under that tab you'll see a few sliders where you can toggle certain features on or off.

The top toggle button is the most important as it disables the advertising ID for each user. But, if you want to cover your bases, you should go ahead disable the rest of the options as well.

Read more  - TechRepublic

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Monsanto Employee Admits an Entire Department Exists to “Discredit” Scientists

So, Monsanto does have a corporate entourage that will go up against scientists. Seems that the studies in rats, among other research about Monsanto’s GMOs has the corporation on edge.

Again, it’s been exposed that in 1999 that Monsanto and their catering entourage won’t eat their own GMOs, neither do the world power elite. Yet the company acts as if they stand behind their own products, while secretly behind the scenes, they do not.

Give credit to the scientists for digging deep into the effects of GMOs in rats and humans. - FUA

Dare to publish a scientific study against Big Biotech, and Monsanto will defame and discredit you. For the first time, a Monsanto employee admits that there is an entire department within the corporation with the simple task of ‘discrediting’ and ‘debunking’ scientists who speak out against GMOs.

The WHO recently classified glyphosate, a chemical in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup, as carcinogenic – news that is really heating things up with biotech. So Monsanto has been demanding that the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) retract their statements about the poisons’s toxicity to human health.

The company demands this even though a peer-reviewed study published in March of 2015 in the respected journal, The Lancet Oncology, conducted a analysis proving that glyphosate was indeed ‘probably carcinogenic.’

Monsanto’s vice president of global regulatory affairs Philip Miller told Reuters the following in interview:

“We question the quality of the assessment. The WHO has something to explain.”

It has already been explained, Mr. Miller. The study states:

“Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide, currently with the highest production volumes of all herbicides. It is used in more than 750 different products for agriculture, forestry, urban, and home applications. Its use has increased sharply with the development of genetically modified glyphosate-resistant crop varieties. Glyphosate has been detected in air during spraying, in water, and in food. There WAS limited evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of glyphosate.

Glyphosate has been detected in the blood and urine of agricultural workers, indicating absorption. Soil microbes degrade glyphosate to aminomethylphosphoric acid (AMPA). Blood AMPA detection after poisonings suggests intestinal microbial metabolism in humans. Glyphosate and glyphosate formulations induced DNA and chromosomal damage in mammals, and in human and animal cells in vitro. One study reported increases in blood markers of chromosomal damage (micronuclei) in residents of several communities after spraying of glyphosate formulations.”

In a recent talk attended mostly by students hoping to get decent paying internships in their field, a student asked what the company was doing to negate “bad science” concerning their work.

Monsanto’s employee, Dr. William “Bill” Moar, who gives talks on Monsanto’s products to reassure everyone that they are safe, perhaps forgot the event was public when he openly revealed that Monsanto had:

“An entire department” (waving his arm for emphasis) dedicated to “debunking” science which disagreed with theirs.”

Likely, this is the first time a Monsanto employee has publicly admitted that they have immense political and financial weight to bear on scientists who dare to publish against them. Of course they don’t list this discrediting department anywhere on their website.

The company will stop at nothing to discredit and devalue the contributions of unimpeachably respected Lancet and the international scientific bodies of WHO and IARC, among others.

The stakes are high – after all, an entire industry of GMO seed (for which they currently hold more than a three-fourths monopoly share) is based on being Roundup ready. Glyphosate is their hallmark product, and it accounts for billions in sales when you account for the seed they sell to go with their best-selling herbicide.

In a single publicly made phrase, Moar has admitted that the Monsanto-funded science is sheer propaganda – essentially that they indeed have dozens, if not hundreds of employees out making sure that no science which tells the truth about their cancer-causing products ever garners any credibility whatsoever in the information age.

Monsanto has also held up the findings of regulatory bodies, particularly in the United States where the revolving door between agrochemical corporations and government seems never ending.

Source article - Natural Society

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Doomsday Asteroid September 2015: Will There Be An Impact Near Puerto Rico?

September 2015 may be the most interesting time of the year, if things do not change with the asteroid event, the Pope coming to the U.S., among other events. Keep an eye on both the mainstream and alternative media. - FUA

If the apocalypse is happening next month, it's news to NASA. The space agency has shot down recent rampant reports that an asteroid will hit Earth between Sept. 15 and Sept. 28. And they should know, because they specialize in tracking such objects.

This kind of "news" can develop a life of its own based on how many people share the story. Sometimes a misunderstood or misquoted section goes viral, prompting more stories clarifying what the original article was actually about. Other times, a site eager to get massive traffic from a story shared on Facebook creates a new thing to be worried about. Such articles pop up every year, usually involving badly photoshopped images and comments from random "experts." After a few shares, the article is a runaway train.

The asteroid story in question said that NASA and FEMA have been working together to prepare for a cosmic strike expected in late September, that NASA has set up a "Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario," and that FEMA's been stockpiling supplies and medicine. The White House, it continues, has been alerted and the French foreign minister is well aware of this 2.5 mile-wide asteroid. Most of the sites that have picked up and spread the story have the word "truth" in their names, which boosts their credibility in some readers' minds.

But there's absolutely zero truth to the rumor. NASA is always tracking asteroids -- in fact it has a whole office dedicated to tracking near-Earth objects. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory routinely observes new asteroids and tracks their trajectories, and it confirms there's nothing that large, or deadly, coming this way anytime soon.

"There is no scientific basis -- not one shred of evidence -- that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates," Paul Chodas, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a statement. If an object that large were approaching Earth, NASA would have spotted it a long time ago.

The space agency has a history of debunking these stories. There was the comet Elenin in 2011, the Mayan calendar apocalypse of 2012, and the annual doomsday asteroid stories. Then there's Zero-G Day and the 2015 Double Moon. The former states a rare cosmic alignment will lead to a brief moment of reduced gravity on Earth while the latter claims the moon and Mars will be visible in the night sky in July. The Double Moon story has been around for a decade and has been regularly debunked. And the next time you read a doomsday story with Nibiru in the headline, it's best to just ignore it. Nibiru has been a favorite of conspiracy theorists claiming a mystery planet or object -- dating back to Babylonian texts -- is on a collision course with Earth. 

For actual asteroids that will pass Earth, check NASA's NEO Earth Close Approach table. The largest asteroid that will make a close approach to Earth measures 800 feet and will pass at a comfortable 4.2 million miles from the planet. "Not a single one of the known objects has any credible chance of hitting our planet over the next century," Chodas said.

Source article - IBT Pulse

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

China and America already at war? Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon

If the big explosion in China was a false flag over its devalued currency, things may get interesting between the Chinese regime and the U.S. - FUA

(NaturalNews) EXCLUSIVE: Mainland Chinese dissidents have handed Natural News the following bombshell story.

The Tianjin explosion, Natural News has learned, was waged as an act of “kinetic retaliation” by the Pentagon in response to China’s currency war Yuan devaluation. The Chinese government has put in place unprecedented secrecy surrounding the mysterious explosion, and aggressive police state tactics are now being invoked to control the flow of information surrounding this event.

“Last week’s explosions sent massive fireballs into the sky and hurled burning debris across the industrial area at the world’s 10th-largest port, burning out buildings and shattering windows kilometres away,” reports the Daily Mail UK.

The Chinese government’s official explanation for the explosion, which has now killed 114 people, is a complete whitewash. China is going to declare regional martial law in the next 18 days, Natural News has learned, in order to exercise total control over the movement of people and information. The government has banned reporters from entering the area and has begun arresting bloggers who promote what the government calls “conspiracy theories” regarding the cause of the massive explosion.

China has blacked out reporting on Tianjin in exactly the same way the U.S. media blacked out reporting on Dr. William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower who admitted the CDC buried evidence linking vaccines to autism. In both China and the United States, when the government doesn’t want the citizens to know something, it censors the story across the entire state-run media, invoking “information totalitarianism.”


Monday, August 10, 2015

Aspartame removed from Diet Pepsi in US, Canadian soda unchanged

People thought Diet Pepsi was a healthier soft drink, but not artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, which is linked to Monsanto and the global elite’s plan to depopulate the world. But aspartame isn’t a natural substance, it’s a industrial product. - FUA

NEW YORK – A revamped Diet Pepsi without aspartame is popping up on store shelves in the United States in an effort to encourage people to give the soda another chance. However, the products in Canada remain unchanged.

PepsiCo says its new Diet Pepsi should be available across the U.S. this week. In response to customer feedback, the company said earlier this year that it would replace the aspartame in the drink with another artificial sweetener that has less baggage.

READ MORE: Pepsi to drop aspartame from Diet Pepsi, but not in Canada

The rollout will test the theory that the sweetener is to blame for fleeing customers, or if other issues might be at play. Other diet sodas that still have aspartame include Diet Coke, Diet Dr Pepper and Fanta Zero.

Earlier this year Global News reached out to Pepsico Canada asking if aspartame would be pulled from some products in Canada and received this response:

“There are no changes to any cola beverages in Canada at this time. As always, we will continue to listen closely to consumers’ requests and evolve our portfolio to meet the specific needs and preferences of Canadian consumers.”

Sales of traditional diet sodas have been falling. Industry executives blaming the freefall on unfounded concerns people have about aspartame. Two years ago, Coca-Cola even tested ads in select newspapers defending the safety of the sweetener.

“It’s the No. 1 thing that our customers have been calling about,” said Seth Kaufman, a senior vice-president at PepsiCo.

At least in the short term, Diet Pepsi sales are likely to see bump from the marketing push around the new formula, which will include in-store sampling and discounting in coming weeks.

READ MORE: Artificial ingredients: Americans demanded change and got it, Canadians not so much

In terms of taste, Kaufman said it’s not identical but that the drink should still be familiar to fans of Diet Pepsi.

It’s not the first attempt by PepsiCo Inc. to lift flagging sales of Diet Pepsi. In 2012, the company tried improving the drink by combining aspartame with acesulfame potassium, often called ace-K, another artificial sweetener that helps prevent the taste from degrading over time. The latest version of Diet Pepsi will also have ace-K in addition to sucralose, best known by the brand name Splenda.

Cans and bottles of the new Diet Pepsi have been making their way through the distribution in recent weeks. Stores that don’t do a lot of business may still have the old versions stocked. This weekend, for instance, a store in New York City had the old and new versions side by side.

The new cans will be marked with the words “Now Aspartame Free” above the Pepsi circle logo.

Source link -

Sunday, July 26, 2015

DARK Act passes the U.S. House, a bill that protects Monsanto

With the DARK Act, Monsanto can run amok by letting it’s GMO foods roam around the U.S. and throughout the world under the cover of darkness, without any form of pushback or public knowledge. Monsanto would rather fight to stay in business rather than to be put out of business. It’s true: Monsanto has been targeted by lawyers, and whistleblowers in the past over its activities. - FUA

Yesterday, 275 members (see vote tally here) of the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 1599, the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act. By voting for the DARK Act, these politicians voted against truth and transparency, against science, against the more than century-old right of states to legislate on matters relating to food safety and labeling.

They voted against the 90-percent of Americans who are in favor of mandatory labeling of GMOs. They voted against the producers of non-GMO foods.

They voted against you.

Now that the DARK Act has been approved by the House, we’ll have to stop it in the Senate. We have to move fast—because Monsanto is desperate to pass a bill that preempts mandatory GMO labeling laws at the state and federal levels, before Vermont’s GMO labeling law takes effect next year.

H.R. 1599 was sold to Congress via multi-million dollar public relations and lobbying campaigns built on lies and deception. The bill’s sole purpose is to support an industry—Monsanto’s poison-peddling industry—that was founded on lies and deception from the get-go.

Were the Congress members who voted against you fooled by Monsanto’s slick, deceitful packaging of this so-called “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act”? Or did they simply vote with their wallets, stuffed full of biotech and junk food industry cash?
We don’t know. But we know this: We can’t let this bill get through the U.S. Senate.

Source Link - Organic Consumers

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Monsanto’s entourage won’t eat own GMOs

Monsanto may be denying this now on their own website, but its own entourage won’t eat their own GMOs. Even countries like Russia and China won’t eat their GMOs. If the rats eat it, over time they develop tumors in their bodies. - FUA

There's a story doing the rounds again,  about how Monsanto, one of the world’s largest profiteers of genetically engineered (GE) food, banned GE food from its own corporate canteens!

Monsanto had its pants pulled down by Friends of the Earth in 1999, who revealed that the company was refusing to serve to its own staff the very same GE food that it incessantly foists upon impoverished nations on the premise that it will save populations from starvation. Although it has never been proved, Monsanto constantly claims that GE food is harmless – so why wasn't it serving it in its own office?

In one canteen, run by external provider, Sutcliffe Catering, a notice read that a decision has been taken to remove, as far as practicable, GE soya and maize from all food products served in the canteen. “We have taken the above steps to ensure that you, the customer, can feel confident in the food we serve", the provider said.

“We believe in choice”, said Monsanto, while the company actually made sure that by not serving GE food in its canteens they did not give staff the opportunity to ‘choose’ whether or not to eat GE food as they de facto ensure that the staff did not get to eat GE food. Yet the same choice isn’t available to farmers around the world, who most of the time have no choice but to plant GE crops, thanks to a seed market that is often dominated by Monsanto.

Once the GE seeds are in the ground, a vicious circle is started; farmers no longer have the opportunity to choose, as once GE seeds have been released into the environment it is not possible to contain or control them, as an individual seed travels with wind or is swept away by rainwater and may set root in soil owned by a farmer who does not at all want to plant GE seeds. In a recent protest in a Manhattan courtroom US farmers said it is no longer possible for them to keep GE seeds off their fields due to contamination.

If Monsanto decided for its staff that it cannot eat GE food, and actually removes the staff’s own right to choose, how come the rest of us cannot have the same opportunity? Over 90% of all processed food in the US - such as breakfast cereal and the chicken nuggets often served to kids -are now contaminated by GE, even if the farmers who produced the food actually did not intentionally grow any GE crops.

In one Monsanto office location, staff was reportedly happy to eat GE food, as they preferred food sprayed with fewer pesticides. However, the widespread and increasingly intensive use of pesticides in association with the use of GE crops poses suspected further risks to the environment and human health, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and birth defects. Monsanto's sales pitch to farmers continues to promise  reduced labour and financial savings by simplifying and reducing the costs of weed control. The reality turns out to be somewhat different, with GE crops attracting increasing health, biodiversity and environmental concerns, and the development of weed resistance.

Genetic Engineering, corporate control of people's food and the over reliance on pesticides and herbicides are not the solutions. So what is? Ecological Farming. It's safe. It's do-able. And it's happening now. Help us support farming for the future.

So Monsanto, if you feel so confident in the food you serve up to the rest of the planet – are you serving GE food in your canteen these days?

Eat it up Monsanto! | Greenpeace International

Friday, July 17, 2015

RAW: Colorado cop SLAMS handcuffed teenage girl to ground, knocks out teeth

Video from RT America with a case of police brutality at a Colorado hospital - FUA

Video courtesy: Colorado Springs Independent

Video shows Colorado Springs officer Tyler Walker, 29 at the time, clearly shoving the handcuffed woman into a chair by hitting her in the stomach. He then grabs Acker out of her seat and slams her on to the hospital floor.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jade Helm goes live, while AT&T cell phone service drop

Jade Helm is now live, but is not just a military drill, it just may be a A.I. computer system. - FUA


Andrew Pontbriand | July 15, 2015; (Jade Helm Day)

Today is a very important day in history, as one of the most anticipated, feared, and probably misunderstood drills of all time starts. Today, Jade Helm 15 goes live, and the Artificial Intelligence Interface will essentially begin it’s transition to taking over the Military as a new “command prompt.”

We will have a full report covering what Jade Helm is, and isn’t later today.

As of now though, right in line with the launch of Jade, which in short, is an A.I. Quantum Computing System, Cellular service has been dropping at an unprecedented rate. First, it seemed the State of California was targeted, but according to Down Detector, it seems as though this has started to spread across the country, so far limited mostly to AT&T, however reports are beginning to come in about other service providers having issues.
celluklar outages jade helm military drills

Jade Helm has the capability to control or break into any system, autonomously, that a human could have access too. Basically, anything we can do, Jade can do better, faster, and it’s likely it can do it completely undetected.

Is Jade Helm already “switched on,” and is it having an effect on the cell towers? Last week, we saw a day of glitches that effected the Stock Market, the Wall Street Journal, and United Airlines, among other things. Some have speculated Jade may have been turned on or activated briefly for a test run, and possibly went “right to work.”

We will keep a close eye on these service disruptions. So far, the media hasn’t picked up on these reports.

This article may be re-posted with full attribution to the author, and leaving all links in tact.

Andrew Pontbriand is an Activist, the Founder and Writer for The Resistance Journals, as well as a contributor to the Activist Post and Political Junkie. Andrew is also the Author of the eBook “Escape From Tyranny,” which will be released in print this summer. Full Bio on Muck Rack.

As Jade Helm Goes Live, Cellular Service Fades Across the Country (AT&T) | The Liberty Beacon

Sunday, July 12, 2015

New York Stock Exchange "Tech Glitch" Exposed: The REAL REASON for the J...

Perhaps there's more to this stock market glitch - maybe a trial run for the ultimate economic collapse? (see video)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

MasterCard Is Using Facial Recognition for online purchases

Biometric security is on the rise, by all reports. One recently suggested that by 2019, over 770 million biometric authentication applications will be downloaded each year. Right now that number is about six million.

Apple and other smartphone makers are pushing it forward with fingerprint ID systems. Will biometrics ever completely edge out the password? Maybe. Hopefully. The password is terribly insecure, as we’ve seen over and over again.

Anyway, MasterCard wants to get in on this biometrics push by letting users confirm online purchases with their faces.

According to a report from CNN, MasterCard is set to launch a small pilot program (500 cardholders) that will allow people to use facial recognition to confirm purchases. Once you download the MasterCard app and buy something, you’ll receive a confirmation alert.

Source link - WebProNews

Friday, July 3, 2015

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating - Alex Jones

Alex makes an urgent message concerning the severity of the current
global climate. Insider information pointed directly towards global
financial meltdown and global war.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Google Chrome taps into your microphone

Now we know that Google Chrome has a backdoor setting that turns on your microphone, anyone plans to uninstall it? - FUA

Yesterday, news broke that Google has been stealth downloading audio listeners onto every computer that runs Chrome, and transmits audio data back to Google. Effectively, this means that Google had taken itself the right to listen to every conversation in every room that runs Chrome somewhere, without any kind of consent from the people eavesdropped on. In official statements, Google shrugged off the practice with what amounts to “we can do that”.

It looked like just another bug report. "When I start Chromium, it downloads something." Followed by strange status information that notably included the lines "Microphone: Yes" and "Audio Capture Allowed: Yes".


Without consent, Google’s code had downloaded a black box of code that – according to itself – had turned on the microphone and was actively listening to your room.

A brief explanation of the Open-source / Free-software philosophy is needed here. When you’re installing a version of GNU/Linux like Debian or Ubuntu onto a fresh computer, thousands of really smart people have analyzed every line of human-readable source code before that operating system was built into computer-executable binary code, to make it common and open knowledge what the machine actually does instead of trusting corporate statements on what it’s supposed to be doing. Therefore, you don’t install black boxes onto a Debian or Ubuntu system; you use software repositories that have gone through this source-code audit-then-build process. Maintainers of operating systems like Debian and Ubuntu use many so-called “upstreams” of source code to build the final product.

Chromium, the open-source version of Google Chrome, had abused its position as trusted upstream to insert lines of source code that bypassed this audit-then-build process, and which downloaded and installed a black box of unverifiable executable code directly onto computers, essentially rendering them compromised. We don’t know and can’t know what this black box does. But we see reports that the microphone has been activated, and that Chromium considers audio capture permitted.

This was supposedly to enable the “Ok, Google” behavior – that when you say certain words, a search function is activated. Certainly a useful feature. Certainly something that enables eavesdropping of every conversation in the entire room, too.

Obviously, your own computer isn’t the one to analyze the actual search command. Google’s servers do. Which means that your computer had been stealth configured to send what was being said in your room to somebody else, to a private company in another country, without your consent or knowledge, an audio transmission triggered by… an unknown and unverifiable set of conditions.

Google had two responses to this. The first was to introduce a practically-undocumented switch to opt out of this behavior, which is not a fix: the default install will still wiretap your room without your consent, unless you opt out, and more importantly, know that you need to opt out, which is nowhere a reasonable requirement. But the second was more of an official statement following technical discussions on Hacker News and other places. That official statement amounted to three parts (paraphrased, of course):

1) Yes, we’re downloading and installing a wiretapping black-box to your computer. But we’re not actually activating it. We did take advantage of our position as trusted upstream to stealth-insert code into open-source software that installed this black box onto millions of computers, but we would never abuse the same trust in the same way to insert code that activates the eavesdropping-blackbox we already downloaded and installed onto your computer without your consent or knowledge. You can look at the code as it looks right now to see that the code doesn’t do this right now.

2) Yes, Chromium is bypassing the entire source code auditing process by downloading a pre-built black box onto people’s computers. But that’s not something we care about, really. We’re concerned with building Google Chrome, the product from Google. As part of that, we provide the source code for others to package if they like. Anybody who uses our code for their own purpose takes responsibility for it. When this happens in a Debian installation, it is not Google Chrome’s behavior, this is Debian Chromium’s behavior. It’s Debian’s responsibility entirely.

3) Yes, we deliberately hid this listening module from the users, but that’s because we consider this behavior to be part of the basic Google Chrome experience. We don’t want to show all modules that we install ourselves.

If you think this is an excusable and responsible statement, raise your hand now.

Now, it should be noted that this was Chromium, the open-source version of Chrome. If somebody downloads the Google product Google Chrome, as in the prepackaged binary, you don’t even get a theoretical choice. You’re already downloading a black box from a vendor. In Google Chrome, this is all included from the start.

This episode highlights the need for hard, not soft, switches to all devices – webcams, microphones – that can be used for surveillance. A software on/off switch for a webcam is no longer enough, a hard shield in front of the lens is required. A software on/off switch for a microphone is no longer enough, a physical switch that breaks its electrical connection is required. That’s how you defend against this in depth.

Of course, people were quick to downplay the alarm. “It only listens when you say ‘Ok, Google’.” (Ok, so how does it know to start listening just before I’m about to say ‘Ok, Google?’) “It’s no big deal.” (A company stealth installs an audio listener that listens to every room in the world it can, and transmits audio data to the mothership when it encounters an unknown, possibly individually tailored, list of keywords – and it’s no big deal!?) “You can opt out. It’s in the Terms of Service.” (No. Just no. This is not something that is the slightest amount of permissible just because it’s hidden in legalese.) “It’s opt-in. It won’t really listen unless you check that box.” (Perhaps. We don’t know, Google just downloaded a black box onto my computer. And it may not be the same black box as was downloaded onto yours. )

Early last decade, privacy activists practically yelled and screamed that the NSA’s taps of various points of the Internet and telecom networks had the technical potential for enormous abuse against privacy. Everybody else dismissed those points as basically tinfoilhattery – until the Snowden files came out, and it was revealed that precisely everybody involved had abused their technical capability for invasion of privacy as far as was possible.

Perhaps it would be wise to not repeat that exact mistake. Nobody, and I really mean nobody, is to be trusted with a technical capability to listen to every room in the world, with listening profiles customizable at the identified-individual level, on the mere basis of “trust us”.

Privacy remains your own responsibility.

Source Link - Privacy Internet Access

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Senate Passes TPP ‘Fast-Tracking’ That Could Make GMO Labeling Illegal

Monsanto (or Monsatan, dubbed by others) would rather stay in business than to be put out of business, thanks to the TPP that will prevent GMO labeling, thus keeping its food and crop genetic manipulation activities under the rug. - FUA

It is a sad day in the fight against Monsanto, GMO labeling, and the future of the planet. The Senate has adopted a law that would give ‘fast-track’ ability for the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a highly secretive bill that could restrict GMO labeling in the United States and abroad. In fact, some legal experts believe it could make GMO labeling completely illegal.

I have been spreading the word about the TPP since I first asked my team members at Natural Society to start writing on it back in 2014. It was then that we told you the secretive truth behind the TPP, writing:

“Just in case you aren’t familiar with The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), they are huge multinational ‘trade’ deals written by corporations, which are being pushed by the White House and many of our politicians in order to support the ongoing monopoly of our food supply. They are toxic, just like the products these companies sell, but you can stop them with a twitter storm and grass-roots activism.”

Read more - Before It's News

Amazon Staff: Government Ordered Us Not to Sell Confederate Flag

Turns out the feds were behind the bans of Confederate merchandise in most stores, least that’s what an Amazon staffer said to a customer. Many conspiracy insiders who predicted this had it right. - FUA staff are telling irate customers that the company was ordered by the federal government not to sell items featuring the Confederate flag in the aftermath of the Charleston shooting.

Amazon made the announcement this week, along with eBay, Sears and Walmart, that it would no longer sell products bearing the rebel flag, but according to a conversation posted on YouTube between a customer and an Amazon sales rep, the decision could have been made as a result of pressure from the government.

At first the Amazon staffer claims that the items were banned because they were deemed to be offensive, but when pressed by the customer, the sales rep tells a different story.

Government Ordered Us Not to Sell Confederate Flag - Alex Jones'

The TPP Isn't Over: It Can Still Be Stopped - Alex Jones

Even if the Trans-Pacific Partnership is passed, it's not quite the beginning of the end. - FUA

Alex Jones breaks down how the TPP can still be stopped if we are willing to stand up and fight.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tell ICANN: Don't expose WHOIS data

Bad news for top level domain name users everywhere – ICANN threatens to expose the WHOIS data, and take a guess on who’s really behind this? The RIAA, MPAA and others that backed the Stop Online Piracy Act in the past. Will you take action and make sure your domain name registry is protected between you and your domain name provider? Sounds urgent. - FUA

Tell ICANN: "Respect our privacy. Don't expose WHOIS data."

Did you know that your privacy rights are currently under threat? ICANN* – the overseers of the Internet’s domain name system – are considering introducing a rule that would impact all netizens. If you care about your online privacy, this is a big deal.

Save Domain Privacy: Respect our privacy. Don't expose WHOIS data.

eBay, Amazon and others to ban sale of Confederate flag merchandise

Well if they can ban Confederate flag merchandise, they can ban and/or restrict almost anything, essential or not, something we need to watch out for. - FUA

eBay will ban the sale of Confederate flag merchandise, the auction site announced Tuesday, in a decision that follows in the steps of major retailers like Walmart and Sears.

"We have decided to prohibit Confederate flags, and many items containing this image, because we believe it has become a contemporary symbol of divisiveness and racism," eBay spokesperson Johnna Hoff said in an email to CNN. "This decision is consistent with our long-standing policy that prohibits items that promote or glorify hatred, violence and racial intolerance."

Hoff added that the company continually monitors and evaluates its 800 million products on its site to ensure that they are "consistent with our core purpose."

The company's decision mirrors that of Walmart and Sears, which have also removed Confederate flag products from their stores.

eBay to ban sale of Confederate flag merchandise -

Google Secretly Spying On Computer Users Via Microphones

There’s been a discovery that Google has used its Chrome browser to spy on computer users through their microphones, without their knowledge or consent. This shows that while software can be accessed for free or at a cost, there’s something happening in the background that many Internet users do not know about.

Same applies to consumer electronics, you can expect to have chips/backdoors in them that may do the same. - FUA

Almost a decade after Infowars first warned that corporations may be spying on computer users via PC microphones, it has now come to light that secretly installed Google software is doing precisely that.

“The Chromium browser – the open source basis for Google’s Chrome – began remotely installing audio-snooping code that was capable of listening to users,” reports the London Guardian.

The software was designed to work with Chrome’s ‘OK, Google’ hotword detection, which functions in response to voice commands given by the user – but in some cases the software was installed and activated without permission.

“Without consent, Google’s code had downloaded a black box of code that – according to itself – had turned on the microphone and was actively listening to your room,” writes Pirate party founder Rick Falkvinge. “Which means that your computer had been stealth configured to send what was being said in your room to somebody else, to a private company in another country, without your consent or knowledge, an audio transmission triggered by … an unknown and unverifiable set of conditions.”

Google has denied the accusations, asserting that users have to “opt-in” before the software is activated, but developers insist otherwise.

“The default install will still wiretap your room without your consent, unless you opt out, and more importantly, know that you need to opt out, which is nowhere a reasonable requirement,” said Falkvinge.

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Not so true that mass shootings do not happen in advanced countries, here’s the proof

While Obama said that mass violence do not happen in other advanced countries, let’s start digging for the truth about mass killings stretching back decades. All it takes is an Internet search, and the evidence you will see is massive.

This one took place days ago in China before the Charleston SC shooting, out of all advanced third world countries on the planet. Perhaps rare, but it’s still happening throughout all the world.

If you go to Google search, type the phrase “Mass Killings/Shootings in [insert country name]” or “Massacres in [insert country name]” and you will find past and present cases of mass violence in urban, city and remote rural areas of populated nations. let it be the criminals or the state carrying out the atrocities. More proof that governments are caught in a lie. - FUA

-- Some of world's worst mass shootings:

July 20, 2012: At least 12 people are killed when a gunman enters an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, releases a canister of gas and then opens fire during opening night of the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises."

July 22, 2011: Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik kills 77 in Norway in twin attacks: a bombing in downtown Oslo and a shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant admitted both attacks.

Nov. 5, 2009: Thirteen soldiers and civilians were killed and more than two dozen wounded when a gunman walked into the Soldier Readiness Processing Center at Fort Hood, Texas, and opened fire. Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder.

April 30, 2009: Farda Gadyrov, 29, enters the prestigious Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in the capital, Baku, armed with an automatic pistol and clips. He kills 12 people before killing himself as police close in.

March 10, 2009: Michael McLendon, 28, killed 10 people – including his mother, four other relatives, and the wife and child of a local sheriff's deputy – across two rural Alabama counties. He then killed himself.

Sept. 23, 2008: Matti Saari, 22, walks into a vocational college in Kauhajoki, Finland, and opens fire, killing 10 people and burning their bodies with firebombs before shooting himself fatally in the head.

Nov. 7, 2007: After revealing plans for his attack in YouTube postings, 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen fires kills eight people at his high school in Tuusula, Finland.

April 16, 2007: Seung-Hui Cho, 23, kills 32 people and himself on Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va.

April 26, 2002: Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, who had been expelled from school in Erfurt, Germany, kills 13 teachers, two former classmates and policeman, before committing suicide.

April 20, 1999: Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the school's library.

April 28, 1996: Martin Bryant, 29, bursts into cafeteria in seaside resort of Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia, shooting 20 people to death. Driving away, he kills 15 others. He was captured and imprisoned.

March 13, 1996: Thomas Hamilton, 43, kills 16 kindergarten children and their teacher in elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, and then kills himself.

Oct. 16, 1991: A deadly shooting rampage took place in Killeen, Texas, as George Hennard opened fire at a Luby's Cafeteria, killing 23 people before taking his own life. 20 others were wounded in the attack.

June 18, 1990: James Edward Pough shoots people at random in a General Motors Acceptance Corp. office in Jacksonville, Fla., killing 10 and wounding four, before killing himself.

Dec. 6, 1989: Marc Lepine, 25, bursts into Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique college, shooting at women he encounters, killing nine and then himself.

Aug. 19, 1987: Michael Ryan, 27, kills 16 people in small market town of Hungerford, England, and then shoots himself dead after being cornered by police.

July 12, 1976: Edward Charles Allaway, a custodian in the library of California State University, Fullerton, fatally shot seven fellow employees and wounded two others.

Aug. 20, 1986: Pat Sherrill, 44, a postal worker who was about to be fired, shoots 14 people at a post office in Edmond, Okla. He then kills himself.

July 18, 1984: James Oliver Huberty, an out-of-work security guard, kills 21 people in a McDonald's restaurant in San Ysidro, Calif. A police sharpshooter kills Huberty.

Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman opened fire from the clock tower at the University of Texas at Austin, killing 16 people and wounding 31.

Deadliest Mass Shootings Around The World - Huffington Post (2012)