
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jade Helm goes live, while AT&T cell phone service drop

Jade Helm is now live, but is not just a military drill, it just may be a A.I. computer system. - FUA


Andrew Pontbriand | July 15, 2015; (Jade Helm Day)

Today is a very important day in history, as one of the most anticipated, feared, and probably misunderstood drills of all time starts. Today, Jade Helm 15 goes live, and the Artificial Intelligence Interface will essentially begin it’s transition to taking over the Military as a new “command prompt.”

We will have a full report covering what Jade Helm is, and isn’t later today.

As of now though, right in line with the launch of Jade, which in short, is an A.I. Quantum Computing System, Cellular service has been dropping at an unprecedented rate. First, it seemed the State of California was targeted, but according to Down Detector, it seems as though this has started to spread across the country, so far limited mostly to AT&T, however reports are beginning to come in about other service providers having issues.
celluklar outages jade helm military drills

Jade Helm has the capability to control or break into any system, autonomously, that a human could have access too. Basically, anything we can do, Jade can do better, faster, and it’s likely it can do it completely undetected.

Is Jade Helm already “switched on,” and is it having an effect on the cell towers? Last week, we saw a day of glitches that effected the Stock Market, the Wall Street Journal, and United Airlines, among other things. Some have speculated Jade may have been turned on or activated briefly for a test run, and possibly went “right to work.”

We will keep a close eye on these service disruptions. So far, the media hasn’t picked up on these reports.

This article may be re-posted with full attribution to the author, and leaving all links in tact.

Andrew Pontbriand is an Activist, the Founder and Writer for The Resistance Journals, as well as a contributor to the Activist Post and Political Junkie. Andrew is also the Author of the eBook “Escape From Tyranny,” which will be released in print this summer. Full Bio on Muck Rack.

As Jade Helm Goes Live, Cellular Service Fades Across the Country (AT&T) | The Liberty Beacon

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