It’s strange to see the mainstream media such as France 24 taking a swing as conspiracy researchers. One has to remember, those who benefit from false flags have backdoor access to the media and many functions of government – the two main players behind any deception. They have their crisis actors, their psyop units, facilitators, etc. It doesn’t hurt much to investigate and dig deep into the Paris attacks. It’s still early to say whether it was real or staged.
With every problem, staged or real, comes with a reaction, then a solution – the likely solution to stomp on your freedoms and protect the elite powerbrokers that control much of the world. - FUA
With every new terrorist attack, new conspiracy theories quickly emerge. Their goal is always to go against the official version of events. And the November 13 attacks in Paris are no exception. Dozens of posts and videos exposing these theories have spread online – some of them as early as the night of the attacks. However, they often fail to back their claims with supporting evidence and at best they try to convince with half-baked truths. Their objective is always to spread doubt. Here are a few examples…
The actress who cries at every terrorist attack?
When conspiracy theories are debunked by other Internet users, it’s rarely enough to keep them from spreading. This case is a good example. These photos, which have been widely shared online, are said to be of an actress whose role, the conspiracy theorists say, is to act like a distraught witness at terrorist attacks “orchestrated by our governments”. They claim they’ve spotted the same woman at the Boston marathon bombing, at the Aurora movie theatre shooting, and at Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.
But if you look a bit closer, they don’t look all that much alike, apart from the fact that they all have brown hair and are crying. And in the past, journalists have already tracked down these three women, proving they are not one and the same.
However, this has not stopped some people from claiming that this “actress” was also present at the November 13 Paris attacks. They used a photo of a young brown-haired woman being evacuated by firemen, taken by an AFP photographer.
The woman’s face has since been blurred by the press agency to preserve her anonymity, but our journalists were shown the non-blurred version. Unsurprisingly, it is clearly not the same woman as in any of the other photos.
“It must be fake, since the Internet predicted it!”
Following the attacks, Internet users pointed out posts on social networks that they saw as strangely premonitory, leading them to believe the authorities were aware of the impending tragedy.
This tweet, which was published two days before the attacks, had been widely shared since:
The account has since gone offline.
In reality, this Twitter user is no prophet, just a particularly prolific guesser. The account PZFeed Ebooks generates automatic tweets, usually false and random information that looks like news headlines.
As this capture shows, the “premonitory” death toll of the Paris attacks was a pure coincidence.
This account tweeted the same toll, “120 dead and 270 injured”, for Ebola (published on November 10), for an attack on a Nigerian mosque (published on October 6), for a school massacre in Peshawar (published on September 9), etc…
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