
Friday, March 30, 2018

Microsoft Warns Customers: Watch What You Say When Using Our Products — or Else

If any of us use Skype or any of Microsoft’s products to communicate with others, it’s no surprise that their services track you.

We can now add a new Microsoft policy of punishing account users who use “offensive language” while logged into one of their products or services to the growing list of draconian measures employed by tech companies to police online content.

In a release summarizing the new policy, which will go into effect May 1, Microsoft stated:

In the Code of Conduct section, we’ve clarified that use of offensive language and fraudulent activity is prohibited.

Microsoft stated that they may temporarily suspend or boot offending users permanently from their products. They also reserve the right to search through user content.

The company’s code of conduct was written to crack down on spam, the transmission of malware, child exploitation, and illegal activity. So far, Microsoft has not been explicit about what will constitute offensive language.

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