
Friday, March 30, 2018

Connecticut teenage boy arrested for toy gun photo on social media

Strange case of a teenager at school arrested for a toy gun – and it was posted on social media. That’s the ‘thought police’ at work, for whoever monitors social media.

Woodbridge, Connecticut – A teenage boy was arrested and detained for the crime of posting a photo on social media of a toy gun he received as a birthday gift. Despite the fact that the photo included a “Warning” sticker on the gun, which stated that it was a toy, the student was suspended from school and treated as a criminal.

As a senior at Amity High Regional School, Zach Cassidento said he did not think he was doing anything wrong when he received a new airsoft gun for his birthday and posted a photo of it on Snapchat.

The toy was in Cassidento’s home and he did not have any intention of bringing it to school or using it harm anyone. In fact, the only message on the photo was the words “Have a Nice Day,” which were part of the gun’s design, and a warning sticker stating that it is a toy gun

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