
Friday, April 8, 2016

Breaking: Mayor’s Office In Houston Shut Down VAXXED

What is it about the film VAXXED that has the Powers That Be on edge? Plus, you have Twitter users saying that conspiracy films should have no place at film festivals - that's uncalled for.  Just continue to wait for the sky to fall. - FUA

By John Rappoport


The film Vaxxed, exposing criminal fraud at the CDC and the CDC’s concealment of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, was shut down in Houston. Locked out 2 days ago.

It was supposed to open at the Worldfest Houston International Film Festival, but Hunter Todd, the head of the Festival, admitted in writing that “high government officials” in Houston had threatened the Festival—so Vaxxed was axed.

Now I have confirmation that it was the Houston Mayor’s office that did the deed. The threat was about $$. The city government supports the Festival with grants. Show the film—no grants.

More censorship.

Read more here - Activist Post

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