
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Another Frustrating Abuse of Your Rights – But This Time It’s Not By The NSA

Did you know that the FBI had an interest in call phone spying? Seems the NSA wasn't the only agency that has been tracking cell phone calls from people around the world. -  FUA

The National Security Administration (NSA) is on my short list of Federal agencies that need to be completely disbanded and disappear. They overstep the Constitution with everything that they do. Unfortunately, however, they are not the only group that seems to think that it’s okay to break the law “to protect us.”

This time the story isn’t about the NSA; it’s about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In December 2012, the FBI ordered state and local law enforcement organizations to keep quiet about FBI surveillance of mobile phones. This requirement is still in effect.

Basically, your local police departments are not allowed to tell you that the FBI can both listen to your mobile phone calls and track you based on your mobile phone’s signal.

Read for more - Survival Institute

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