Saturday, November 28, 2015
Due to the frightening developments of the last few days Alex sounds his
third Emergency Alert as the world marches dangerously close to the
eruption of WWIII. From the elite scrambling away to armored redoubts,
to the sabre rattling of Ergodan the unhinged Turkish P.M. we are
hurtling towards the precipice of full scale war.
Obama On Planned Parenthood Shooting: 'We Can't Let It Become Normal'
When Obama keeps saying that these shootings are not to be considered normal, it is only a matter of time for the stage to be set for gun confiscations and bans in America. - FUA
President Barack Obama released a statement Saturday morning addressing Friday's mass shooting at a Colorado Springs branch of Planned Parenthood, which left three dead, including a police officer, and nine injured.
Striking an all-too-familiar theme of his presidency, Obama focused on the scourge of gun violence. Read the whole thing below:
The last thing Americans should have to do, over the holidays or any day, is comfort the families of people killed by gun violence -- people who woke up in the morning and bid their loved ones goodbye with no idea it would be for the last time.
And yet, two days after Thanksgiving, that’s what we are forced to do again.
We don’t yet know what this particular gunman’s so-called motive was for shooting twelve people, or for terrorizing an entire community, when he opened fire with an assault weapon and took hostages at a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado. What we do know is that he killed a cop in the line of duty, along with two of the citizens that police officer was trying to protect. We know that law enforcement saved lives, as so many of them do every day, all across America. And we know that more Americans and their families had fear forced upon them.
This is not normal. We can’t let it become normal. If we truly care about this -- if we’re going to offer up our thoughts and prayers again, for God knows how many times, with a truly clean conscience -- then we have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them. Period. Enough is enough.
May God bless Officer Garrett Swasey and the Americans he tried to save -- and may He grant the rest of us the courage to do the same thing.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
State Department Issues Travel Advisory for Entire Planet
When there is a Worldwide Terror Alert, things on Earth are likely going to get really weird this holiday season. - FUA
The government has issued terror warnings for every holiday since September 11, 2001. It is particularly fond of frightening people around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
This year is no exception.
On Monday the State Department issued a “Worldwide Travel Alert.”
You’re not safe anywhere.
“The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats. Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions. These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests. This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016,” the alert posted on the State Department’s website says.
In addition to being frightened when traveling, Americans are advised to be nervous “in public places,” “crowed places” (sic) and “holiday festivals or events.”
You should “follow the instructions of local authorities” and “monitor media” such as CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, the usual propaganda outlets that hype nonexistent terror threats.
If you plan to travel abroad during the holiday, the government says you should register with them.
You can also get the latest scary information by calling a toll free telephone number and by following the government’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Incidentally, according to Jeh Johnson at the Department of Homeland Security, there is no “specific,” “credible” or “imminent” terror threat at this time.
And remember–you are more likely to be killed by lightning than terrorists.
Happy holidays!
CENSORSHIP SHOCK: bans investigative book 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook' because it disagrees with government version of what happened
If sites like Amazon can censor this, they can censor books like Brave New World or George Orwell’s 1984. It’s no question that alternative media sources are under attack, either by people or artificial intelligence. - FUA
(NaturalNews) In a stunning demonstration of online book burning, has just banned a book because of its contents. The book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook consists of analysis from a dozen contributor authors, and it's edited by Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. The book concludes that Sandy Hook was a staged FEMA drill carried out by the government to push an agenda of nationwide gun control.
Use hashtag #StopAmazonCensorship to Tweet this story.
We have a full download of the book below in PDF form, so keep reading if you want to find out what's so "dangerous" about this book that Amazon had to ban it...
Whether the authors' conclusions are well-founded or complete lunacy isn't the point here. has selectively targeted this book for censorship due to the political incorrectness of the author's conclusions. Remember, went out of its way to ban Confederate flags in the aftermath of another shooting, enforcing a grotesque, almost Stalinist political correctness in its decision to pull Confederate flag merchandise from its online store (including children's toys like the General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzard).
Yet at the same time, Amazon sells tens of thousands of books asserting all sorts of bizarre things, from authors who believe the Earth is literally flat to Adolf Hitler's pro-genocidal Mein Kampf.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Obama in Malaysia: ‘You’ll See Oceans Rise…More Drought, More Flooding, Bigger Hurricanes, Typhoons
Sadly, they failed to mention that some of the rapid weather change is engineered to make it look like our climate is in chaos. As for the implementation of climate actions plans locally, our freedoms are bring put in jeopardy just to deal with global warming, which is a corporate scam – such as carless days, smart meters, using Energy-Star RFID chipped appliances, etc. - FUA
( - Speaking today at a townhall meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, President Barack Obama warned that if the world does not “stop the amount of carbon that we send up” there will be everything from rising oceans to more droughts and more floods and bigger hurricanes and typhoons.
Obama was speaking to a group of people associated with the Young Southeast Asia Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), a program sponsored by the U.S. State Department.
“The science is very clear that because of the carbon emissions that we send in, mostly from the use of fossil fuels--oil, gas, coal--the temperatures worldwide, on average, are getting higher,” said Obama. “And that begins to change weather patterns. The oceans begin to get warmer. The ice in the Arctic begins to melt. And you get a feedback loop that as things get warmer that creates even more of a trend towards warming.
Friday, November 20, 2015
TSA confiscates child's toy, says it resembles weapon
Another one of those cases of art imitating life, a child and his family became a target of the TSA over a toy gun. - FUA
PHILADELPHIA -- It's not the kind of "toy story" a Pennsylvania family had hoped for.
They say TSA officials sent their five-year-old son's Buzz Lightyear toy to "infinity and beyond."
CBS Philadelphia reports that the Zilka family was returning home from a trip to Disney World, where the boy's uncle bought him a Buzz Lightyear "flip grip."
However, security officials at Fort Lauderdale airport said it looked too much like a gun.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
High dose of vitamin C kills cancer cells in mice
Have you taken vitamin C or multivitamins lately? It just may slow down cancer or tumor growth, is what this study finds. Also it’s good for immune system health. - FUA
A new study published in Science presents evidence that perhaps some of the apparently extravagant ideas about vitamin C were not completely off base. The study in question examined human colorectal cancers containing specific genetic mutations that are found in up to half of these cancers. These cells ended up drawing in so much vitamin C that it caused their death.
The researchers used a cell culture and subsequent experiments in mice to explore the effects of high doses of vitamin C on cancer cells. The initial data came from an application of vitamin C and metabolized versions of vitamin C to a cell culture that included both mutated cancer cells and wild type control cells. The cancerous cells carried two mutations (in KRAS and BRAF) that are commonly found in colorectal cancers.
Their results indicated that the colorectal cancer cells were more likely to absorb the vitamin C metabolite than the cells without those mutations. This is due to an up regulation of the protein that pulls vitamin C and its metabolites into cells. These cells imported so much of these chemicals that they experienced cell death.
The researchers then grafted tumors with these mutations into mice to see if these results would hold within an animal. They again found that the vitamin C was selectively toxic to the tumors containing KRAS mutations, effectively killing these cells.
Further examination of the effects of vitamin C revealed that it reduced the availability of intracellular energy units known as ATP, causing a critical lack of energy in these cells.
This study’s most important finding is its identification of the cellular pathway involved in cancer killing. The researchers found that the therapeutically active chemical is the vitamin C metabolite dehydroascorbate. It caused increased vitamin C uptake through the upregulation of GLUT1 transporters in mutated cells, but this didn’t take place in normal cells.
Use of vitamin C as a cancer therapy has been controversial. Early studies showed it to have some utility in treating cancer, whereas others indicated it had little effect.
The most famous advocate of vitamin C as a cancer treatment was Linus Pauling, a scientist and activist who received Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Peace. His later years were marked by an obsession with using high doses of vitamin C as a panacea to treat everything from cancer to the common cold, even though the evidence supporting this was patchy at best. This largely earned him contempt from the scientific community.
This research, as well as other emerging research on the potential therapeutic uses of high-dose vitamin C to treat cancer, has the potential to vindicate this part of Pauling’s legacy—rather than a brilliant scientist who became a heretic later in life, he may simply have been a scientist with an idea that wasn’t yet supported by the available evidence.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Paris attacks: Debunking the conspiracy theories – France 24
It’s strange to see the mainstream media such as France 24 taking a swing as conspiracy researchers. One has to remember, those who benefit from false flags have backdoor access to the media and many functions of government – the two main players behind any deception. They have their crisis actors, their psyop units, facilitators, etc. It doesn’t hurt much to investigate and dig deep into the Paris attacks. It’s still early to say whether it was real or staged.
With every problem, staged or real, comes with a reaction, then a solution – the likely solution to stomp on your freedoms and protect the elite powerbrokers that control much of the world. - FUA
With every new terrorist attack, new conspiracy theories quickly emerge. Their goal is always to go against the official version of events. And the November 13 attacks in Paris are no exception. Dozens of posts and videos exposing these theories have spread online – some of them as early as the night of the attacks. However, they often fail to back their claims with supporting evidence and at best they try to convince with half-baked truths. Their objective is always to spread doubt. Here are a few examples…
The actress who cries at every terrorist attack?
When conspiracy theories are debunked by other Internet users, it’s rarely enough to keep them from spreading. This case is a good example. These photos, which have been widely shared online, are said to be of an actress whose role, the conspiracy theorists say, is to act like a distraught witness at terrorist attacks “orchestrated by our governments”. They claim they’ve spotted the same woman at the Boston marathon bombing, at the Aurora movie theatre shooting, and at Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.
But if you look a bit closer, they don’t look all that much alike, apart from the fact that they all have brown hair and are crying. And in the past, journalists have already tracked down these three women, proving they are not one and the same.
However, this has not stopped some people from claiming that this “actress” was also present at the November 13 Paris attacks. They used a photo of a young brown-haired woman being evacuated by firemen, taken by an AFP photographer.
The woman’s face has since been blurred by the press agency to preserve her anonymity, but our journalists were shown the non-blurred version. Unsurprisingly, it is clearly not the same woman as in any of the other photos.
“It must be fake, since the Internet predicted it!”
Following the attacks, Internet users pointed out posts on social networks that they saw as strangely premonitory, leading them to believe the authorities were aware of the impending tragedy.
This tweet, which was published two days before the attacks, had been widely shared since:
The account has since gone offline.
In reality, this Twitter user is no prophet, just a particularly prolific guesser. The account PZFeed Ebooks generates automatic tweets, usually false and random information that looks like news headlines.
As this capture shows, the “premonitory” death toll of the Paris attacks was a pure coincidence.
This account tweeted the same toll, “120 dead and 270 injured”, for Ebola (published on November 10), for an attack on a Nigerian mosque (published on October 6), for a school massacre in Peshawar (published on September 9), etc…
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
French Monsanto research site destroyed by fire in arson attack
While Monsanto and their entourage call this a arson attack, others call it a victory, because of their agenda of altering the genetic code of our food and crops on the planet. This is proof that the reputation and willpower of Monsanto (or Monsatan, dubbed by others) is starting to break down. - FUA
RENNES, France • A Monsanto research center in western France suffered heavy fire damage in a suspected arson attack early Wednesday morning, the official in charge of the site said.
The official, Jakob Witten, said police investigators "strongly suspect it was a crime as no electrical or other sources were found."
The fire was ignited from two different places at the site, where about 10 people work and which is specialized in corn research. The smell of gasoline lingered near the building, which had heavy damage in its reception hall and offices.
"No Monsanto sites in Europe have so far been the victim of fires of criminal origin, this is unprecedented violence," Witten said.
The Creve Coeur-based company is the frequent target of criticism in France over concerns about genetically modified crops it has developed.
The government said last month it would use a new European opt-out scheme to ensure a ban on the cultivation of GM crops in France remains in place
French Monsanto research site damaged in suspected arson attack - Yahoo News