
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

S. Carolina cop charged with murder of black man who was fleeing

Another one of those cases of a cop who shot someone just for running away. In some cases, they even shoot someone, then try to save his/her life. Not many people understand why a police officer shoots someone, and then the next minute, tries to help them.

A white police officer from the US state of South Carolina has been charged with murder after a video showed him shooting eight times at the back of a 50-year-old black man who was running away.

North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey said on Tuesday that state investigators decided to charge officer Michael Slager, 33, with the murder of Walter Scott after they viewed the video of the incident, which followed a traffic stop on Saturday morning.

The FBI and US Justice Department have begun a separate investigation.

"When you're wrong, you're wrong," Summey told reporters. "If you make a bad decision, I don't care if you're behind the shield or just a citizen on the street, you have to live by that decision."

The incident began after Scott was pulled over for a broken brake light, police said.

Al Jazeera News – also watch the video in the article

But the good news, thanks to the person who flimed the video of the incident, justice has finally come for the cop that shot him.

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