
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Google’s latest algorithm will rank sites based on facts, not popularity

We can kiss our site popularity goodbye, because Google plans to rank sites based on facts.

If this happens, the alternative web media and the conspiracy blogospheres will be caught in its path. They may end up getting pushed back in the search results while the mainstream sites prevail. Sounds Orwellian for truth seekers, isn’t it?

First Google came for the online pirates, next they may come for the bloggers like you….

Google is considering putting itself in charge of online truth, in order to assist users in an age of information overload. The web giant would rank search results based on each site’s 'truth score' instead of its popularity level.

The search engine currently relies on a system that ranks websites based on how many times the page has been linked to – which means that even fake information has a way of making it up the chain of search results.

More from Russia Today

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