
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baltimore Riots: Another Psyop?

Just like Ferguson, Baltimore is getting in on the rioting over a police treatment of a black man, but is it another psyop?

As of this posting, the city is on edge....

Alex Jones: Provocateur Caught Throwing Bricks At Ferguson Police (see video below)


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Strange closing of five Walmart stores

Wal-Mart workers are fighting back against the retailer’s decision last week to close five stores in four states for what the company says are plumbing repairs.
Workers at the company’s Pico Rivera, Calif. store who are associated with OUR Walmart, a group that advocates for better pay, say the closings are “retaliatory” in nature. They filed a charge with the National Labor Relations Board on Monday, claiming that the termination of more than 500 employees at the Pico Rivera Walmart constituted an unfair labor practice.

There are many people who aren’t buying this story of the sudden closing of Walmart stores, including its workforce, over an issue that can be worked out.

Also, US Dept of Homeland Security has ties to Walmart, thanks to its “See Something, Say Something” campaign. One has to wonder, does DHS has anything to do with the Walmart closings?

DAHBOO777 on Walmart closings

Tunnels are constructed under Walmart buildings?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weaponized Weather Strikes - Rockefeller and Rothschild Have a PLAN

First the NWO came for our economy, next they're coming for you. They're now after us and our natural resources - but to achieve this the Cabal will have to railroad us off the planet through various means, especially with scalar weather weapons (Google the terms HAARP and scalar weapons).

Deborah Tavares on video, speaking on the topic of the engineered water shortage in California -

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

S. Carolina cop charged with murder of black man who was fleeing

Another one of those cases of a cop who shot someone just for running away. In some cases, they even shoot someone, then try to save his/her life. Not many people understand why a police officer shoots someone, and then the next minute, tries to help them.

A white police officer from the US state of South Carolina has been charged with murder after a video showed him shooting eight times at the back of a 50-year-old black man who was running away.

North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey said on Tuesday that state investigators decided to charge officer Michael Slager, 33, with the murder of Walter Scott after they viewed the video of the incident, which followed a traffic stop on Saturday morning.

The FBI and US Justice Department have begun a separate investigation.

"When you're wrong, you're wrong," Summey told reporters. "If you make a bad decision, I don't care if you're behind the shield or just a citizen on the street, you have to live by that decision."

The incident began after Scott was pulled over for a broken brake light, police said.

Al Jazeera News – also watch the video in the article

But the good news, thanks to the person who flimed the video of the incident, justice has finally come for the cop that shot him.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Targeted Individuals: One Florida woman got framed and forcibly drugged

In this video, listen to the testimony of one Florida woman who was at a local Starbucks, who was targeted by a female gang-stalker and pointed something at her. Then she got framed by her when she called the cops and lied about being harassed, and ended up in a mental hospital.

Targeted individuals do exist, and if you research this subject on the web, you may be surprised who or what kinds of people are taking part, and the victims of such targeting activities.

Another case of someone being targeted, with microwave weapons - just for exposing the truth about the Powers That Be, and his connection to them.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

CERN, the Reptilian Stargate

CERN (Large Hadron Collider) may not be an experiment to study the “Big Bang” (possible cover story) but to serve as a stargate, by those looking to create a rift between dimensions.

Thanks to the Humanity Wins Illuminati Lose article, for their info in connecting the Reptilians with this technology:
Peggy Kane covered CERN’s LHC over the past 12 months on her website and had discovered that this massive scientific instrument was in fact designed to be a “stargate” ,with the intention of opening up an inter-dimensional portal.
The bottom line is that powerful forces are working to help humanity and free planet Earth from Reptilian control and these “forces” were not going to allow the Reptilians to activate the LHC to the level where it would cause the destruction they had intended. Even the CERN scientists had started to believe that the problems the project was experiencing were “more than coincidence”.
While on the site’s article, play the reversed speech audio.

4/2/15: It’s said that the CERN (Large Hadron Collider) is restarting after a technical issue.

CERN website – Examine the logo on their website, it resembles 666.

Google’s latest algorithm will rank sites based on facts, not popularity

We can kiss our site popularity goodbye, because Google plans to rank sites based on facts.

If this happens, the alternative web media and the conspiracy blogospheres will be caught in its path. They may end up getting pushed back in the search results while the mainstream sites prevail. Sounds Orwellian for truth seekers, isn’t it?

First Google came for the online pirates, next they may come for the bloggers like you….

Google is considering putting itself in charge of online truth, in order to assist users in an age of information overload. The web giant would rank search results based on each site’s 'truth score' instead of its popularity level.

The search engine currently relies on a system that ranks websites based on how many times the page has been linked to – which means that even fake information has a way of making it up the chain of search results.

More from Russia Today

Friday, April 3, 2015

Homeless people taken to FEMA camps and RFID chipped?

See video with Paul Joseph Watson from, hear from an individual who had his wife taken and given the RFID implant, states criminalizing homelessness in the U.S., and more:

Homeless people were told they can either go to jail, or stay at a FEMA camp, like in South Carolina and other states.

SC: Jail or FEMA camp?

With that, these FEMA camps (residential centers) are either being beta-tested for everyone else with the disappearance of homeless people in our cities, or gradually opening for business. These centers have been built all over the nation, and managed by U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.

Why they are called residential centers? Because they’re designed to hold entire families of people.

This is a video of one of them, built along rail tracks:

Could this be a FEMA center?

With prison bars, colored signs, barbed-wired fencing, rail tracks and a watchtower, this place may be one of them.

First it’s the homeless, next it may be you….

And if people have been taken to these places, no one knows what their fate is now.