
Monday, September 5, 2011

Chinese Regime Calls for Crackdown on Internet Rumors

China's state news agency has called for a crackdown on what it calls the spread of toxic rumors over the Internet.

Xinhua published an article Tuesday in Chinese-only criticizing the increasingly popular social networking sites for spreading rumors like cancer, and urged preventive action.

Chinese authorities use sophisticated software to try to control what is said on the Internet. The government has become increasingly nervous about the Arab uprisings, which have gathered huge support through online networking. Officials fear they may inspire unrest in China.

Source: China Calls for Crackdown on Internet Rumors | VOA News

China's growing even more nervous and disturbed, the Chinese regime is telling its ISPs to tighten control on Internet content. Goes to show that the Chinese regime doesn't like it when the Internet is being used against them, in response to the Arab Spring. Rumors or not, China's not taking any chances here.

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