
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Social media censors and algorithmic changes are down, thanks to Q team

Seems that our white hats (our friends at the Pentagon, Q team, et al.) have regain control over Google with most, if not all, censors and algorithmic changes undone.

There is a cyber war of sorts happening at this time between the Earth Alliance and the black hats (Deep state cabal) - this is going to continue for a while longer.

Setting the stage for Disclosure involves regaining control of much of the web infrastructure the black hats have ties to.

Reports on Twitter on this effort:

Majestic 12 confirms the Google censors have become undone.

Lastly, type in "Majestic 12" into Google search.

What do you see?

YouTube has also experienced a similar takeover effect.

My thanks to the white hat Alliance, they are SETTING THE STAGE!

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