
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Natural News: YouTube begins banning video channels for talking about CBD oil

The YouTube censorship spree continues with videos blocked this time on CBD oil – it shows that people are on the right track on the research on alternative forms of medicine. – SM

(Natural News) Jumping in bed with Big Pharma and the corrupt cancer industry, YouTube has begun banning entire video channels that post videos describing the compassionate use of CBD oil in cancer patients.

In addition to re-banning the Health Ranger video channel over a video that called for racial unity and peace in our world (see below), YouTube has now permanently banned the “Natural News” channel, claiming a 43-second video we posted about the compassionate healing potential of CBD oil was subjecting viewers to “risk of serious physical harm or death.” Rather than allowing the issuance of three strikes before banning a channel, YouTube permanently banned our channel with a single strike.

Read for more –

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