
Friday, May 18, 2018

Study: GM Soy Kills Baby Rats in Just 3 Weeks

For those who held on to the belief that GMO foods do not affect your health, please re-research the info about the recent testing with mice and rats – the results are shocking – SM

Recent documentaries show entire fields of genetically modified corn that all looks plastic, with not a bug or bird in sight, not a butterfly or a gnat or a fly, but why?

Did you know that a diet containing GM soy and maize fed to rats for just 90 days caused a wide range of toxic effects, including DNA damage, blood changes, and damage to the liver and kidneys?

If you consume GMOs regularly, your gut is actually creating pesticide. You are consuming the genes of organisms that destroy the digestive tracts of beetles and worms.

Recently on Humans are Free.

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