
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New Agenda 21 Policies Call for 90% Depopulation of the US

Vision 2050 has become the new Agenda 21, and the call for population reduction has not changed. Sadly, this doesn't involve putting people like you and me on a spaceship to Mars or some other star system. - FUA

Four years ago,
a Medford, Oregon  man was jailed for collecting rainwater and snow
runoff on his very own property while the developing world is trashing
their environment at alarming rates, suffocating waterways, rivers, and
lakes with trash and other forms of pollution.

Agenda 21 have morphed into Agenda 2030 which has now morphed into Vision 2050. In the video below are the noteworthy and provisions of the newest flavor of Agenda 21.

Read for more - Humans Are Free

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