
Sunday, July 26, 2015

DARK Act passes the U.S. House, a bill that protects Monsanto

With the DARK Act, Monsanto can run amok by letting it’s GMO foods roam around the U.S. and throughout the world under the cover of darkness, without any form of pushback or public knowledge. Monsanto would rather fight to stay in business rather than to be put out of business. It’s true: Monsanto has been targeted by lawyers, and whistleblowers in the past over its activities. - FUA

Yesterday, 275 members (see vote tally here) of the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 1599, the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act. By voting for the DARK Act, these politicians voted against truth and transparency, against science, against the more than century-old right of states to legislate on matters relating to food safety and labeling.

They voted against the 90-percent of Americans who are in favor of mandatory labeling of GMOs. They voted against the producers of non-GMO foods.

They voted against you.

Now that the DARK Act has been approved by the House, we’ll have to stop it in the Senate. We have to move fast—because Monsanto is desperate to pass a bill that preempts mandatory GMO labeling laws at the state and federal levels, before Vermont’s GMO labeling law takes effect next year.

H.R. 1599 was sold to Congress via multi-million dollar public relations and lobbying campaigns built on lies and deception. The bill’s sole purpose is to support an industry—Monsanto’s poison-peddling industry—that was founded on lies and deception from the get-go.

Were the Congress members who voted against you fooled by Monsanto’s slick, deceitful packaging of this so-called “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act”? Or did they simply vote with their wallets, stuffed full of biotech and junk food industry cash?
We don’t know. But we know this: We can’t let this bill get through the U.S. Senate.

Source Link - Organic Consumers

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Monsanto’s entourage won’t eat own GMOs

Monsanto may be denying this now on their own website, but its own entourage won’t eat their own GMOs. Even countries like Russia and China won’t eat their GMOs. If the rats eat it, over time they develop tumors in their bodies. - FUA

There's a story doing the rounds again,  about how Monsanto, one of the world’s largest profiteers of genetically engineered (GE) food, banned GE food from its own corporate canteens!

Monsanto had its pants pulled down by Friends of the Earth in 1999, who revealed that the company was refusing to serve to its own staff the very same GE food that it incessantly foists upon impoverished nations on the premise that it will save populations from starvation. Although it has never been proved, Monsanto constantly claims that GE food is harmless – so why wasn't it serving it in its own office?

In one canteen, run by external provider, Sutcliffe Catering, a notice read that a decision has been taken to remove, as far as practicable, GE soya and maize from all food products served in the canteen. “We have taken the above steps to ensure that you, the customer, can feel confident in the food we serve", the provider said.

“We believe in choice”, said Monsanto, while the company actually made sure that by not serving GE food in its canteens they did not give staff the opportunity to ‘choose’ whether or not to eat GE food as they de facto ensure that the staff did not get to eat GE food. Yet the same choice isn’t available to farmers around the world, who most of the time have no choice but to plant GE crops, thanks to a seed market that is often dominated by Monsanto.

Once the GE seeds are in the ground, a vicious circle is started; farmers no longer have the opportunity to choose, as once GE seeds have been released into the environment it is not possible to contain or control them, as an individual seed travels with wind or is swept away by rainwater and may set root in soil owned by a farmer who does not at all want to plant GE seeds. In a recent protest in a Manhattan courtroom US farmers said it is no longer possible for them to keep GE seeds off their fields due to contamination.

If Monsanto decided for its staff that it cannot eat GE food, and actually removes the staff’s own right to choose, how come the rest of us cannot have the same opportunity? Over 90% of all processed food in the US - such as breakfast cereal and the chicken nuggets often served to kids -are now contaminated by GE, even if the farmers who produced the food actually did not intentionally grow any GE crops.

In one Monsanto office location, staff was reportedly happy to eat GE food, as they preferred food sprayed with fewer pesticides. However, the widespread and increasingly intensive use of pesticides in association with the use of GE crops poses suspected further risks to the environment and human health, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and birth defects. Monsanto's sales pitch to farmers continues to promise  reduced labour and financial savings by simplifying and reducing the costs of weed control. The reality turns out to be somewhat different, with GE crops attracting increasing health, biodiversity and environmental concerns, and the development of weed resistance.

Genetic Engineering, corporate control of people's food and the over reliance on pesticides and herbicides are not the solutions. So what is? Ecological Farming. It's safe. It's do-able. And it's happening now. Help us support farming for the future.

So Monsanto, if you feel so confident in the food you serve up to the rest of the planet – are you serving GE food in your canteen these days?

Eat it up Monsanto! | Greenpeace International

Friday, July 17, 2015

RAW: Colorado cop SLAMS handcuffed teenage girl to ground, knocks out teeth

Video from RT America with a case of police brutality at a Colorado hospital - FUA

Video courtesy: Colorado Springs Independent

Video shows Colorado Springs officer Tyler Walker, 29 at the time, clearly shoving the handcuffed woman into a chair by hitting her in the stomach. He then grabs Acker out of her seat and slams her on to the hospital floor.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jade Helm goes live, while AT&T cell phone service drop

Jade Helm is now live, but is not just a military drill, it just may be a A.I. computer system. - FUA


Andrew Pontbriand | July 15, 2015; (Jade Helm Day)

Today is a very important day in history, as one of the most anticipated, feared, and probably misunderstood drills of all time starts. Today, Jade Helm 15 goes live, and the Artificial Intelligence Interface will essentially begin it’s transition to taking over the Military as a new “command prompt.”

We will have a full report covering what Jade Helm is, and isn’t later today.

As of now though, right in line with the launch of Jade, which in short, is an A.I. Quantum Computing System, Cellular service has been dropping at an unprecedented rate. First, it seemed the State of California was targeted, but according to Down Detector, it seems as though this has started to spread across the country, so far limited mostly to AT&T, however reports are beginning to come in about other service providers having issues.
celluklar outages jade helm military drills

Jade Helm has the capability to control or break into any system, autonomously, that a human could have access too. Basically, anything we can do, Jade can do better, faster, and it’s likely it can do it completely undetected.

Is Jade Helm already “switched on,” and is it having an effect on the cell towers? Last week, we saw a day of glitches that effected the Stock Market, the Wall Street Journal, and United Airlines, among other things. Some have speculated Jade may have been turned on or activated briefly for a test run, and possibly went “right to work.”

We will keep a close eye on these service disruptions. So far, the media hasn’t picked up on these reports.

This article may be re-posted with full attribution to the author, and leaving all links in tact.

Andrew Pontbriand is an Activist, the Founder and Writer for The Resistance Journals, as well as a contributor to the Activist Post and Political Junkie. Andrew is also the Author of the eBook “Escape From Tyranny,” which will be released in print this summer. Full Bio on Muck Rack.

As Jade Helm Goes Live, Cellular Service Fades Across the Country (AT&T) | The Liberty Beacon

Sunday, July 12, 2015

New York Stock Exchange "Tech Glitch" Exposed: The REAL REASON for the J...

Perhaps there's more to this stock market glitch - maybe a trial run for the ultimate economic collapse? (see video)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

MasterCard Is Using Facial Recognition for online purchases

Biometric security is on the rise, by all reports. One recently suggested that by 2019, over 770 million biometric authentication applications will be downloaded each year. Right now that number is about six million.

Apple and other smartphone makers are pushing it forward with fingerprint ID systems. Will biometrics ever completely edge out the password? Maybe. Hopefully. The password is terribly insecure, as we’ve seen over and over again.

Anyway, MasterCard wants to get in on this biometrics push by letting users confirm online purchases with their faces.

According to a report from CNN, MasterCard is set to launch a small pilot program (500 cardholders) that will allow people to use facial recognition to confirm purchases. Once you download the MasterCard app and buy something, you’ll receive a confirmation alert.

Source link - WebProNews

Friday, July 3, 2015

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating - Alex Jones

Alex makes an urgent message concerning the severity of the current
global climate. Insider information pointed directly towards global
financial meltdown and global war.