
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Asteroid to hit near Puerto Rico this September 2015?

If things do not change, this asteroid will have a tidal wave effect on the east coast of the United States, South America and the Caribbean islands. Have you been a disaster prepper today? This is based on information that was passed on to others by an insider.

The claim that the U.S. government has information about an impending asteroid impact catastrophe,
but is keeping the information secret to prevent mass panic, is spreading fast and causing growing anxiety among doomsday believers.

Following a series of warnings from doomsday prophets, there is increasing convergence of opinion among believers that an asteroid apocalypse will occur in September, 2015.

But while governments with privileged information are allegedly keeping the information secret, the “elite” are preparing secretly to survive the catastrophe, according to conspiracy theorists.

There are several versions of the predictions of asteroid impact apocalypse being generated and circulated by the online conspiracy theory rumor mill. But the separate strands have converged to strengthen conviction among susceptible individuals exposed to the constant bombardment of doomsday predictions that the asteroid apocalypse will occur in 2015.

The growing mass hysteria appears to have originated with a self proclaimed “prophet,” Rev. Efrain Rodriguez, who claimed he sent a letter to NASA on Nov. 12, 2010, titled “Letter to the Space Agency… meteor heading toward Puerto Rico.”

In the letter, he claimed he had received a message from God that an asteroid that would “soon be seen in the alarm systems of NASA” was approaching. He said the asteroid would hit the ocean near Puerto Rico and cause a massive earthquake and tsunami that would devastate the East Coat of the U.S., Mexico, Central, and South America.


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