
Friday, December 28, 2012

More Internet restrictions coming to China

The Chinese regime announced its latest plans for more control over the Internet in the country. The first one is having Net users register their names with ISPs and government-run sites, which is probably been in place before, Then, it legalizes the deletion and interception of posts and data from Net users that may deem “illegal” online, effectively controlling what the Chinese can say and do, and retain data about what a user has posted – which is called data retention.

Such measures like these will allow the Chinese police to identify and snuff out dissidents that are posting info that is frown upon by the Chinese regime, taking the Big Brother internet policing to the next level.

This comes after Internet users in China exposed lower-level officials that may have engaged in government corruption, and wanting extra measures in place to prevent false and anonymous accusations online.

So if you want to expose a corrupt government official, the Chinese regime may not take your word for it without disclosing your real name and info.

Source: Reuters

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