
Friday, November 18, 2011

SOPA: Internet community's response to the Internet Blacklist Bill

Before, during and after the American Censorship Day protest on the Web, there's been widespread response and condemnation of the founding of the bill. Justin Beiber condemn it and said that the bill was ridiculous for others to have content removed about users singing a song, and said that US Senator Klobuchar needs to be locked away in cuffs. But he's not the only one, you have Google, Yahoo, EFF, Demand Progress Creative Commons and others condemning the founding of the bill and also took part in the American Censorship day protest on 11/16.

If you were typing the search terms SOPA or Internet Censorship into Google search, they were the two trending search terms before and after the American Censorship day protest.

It may not be too late to encourage your representatives to oppose the SOPA bill: Visit the Electronic Frontier Foundation and look for the Internet Blacklist bill petition on that page.

See RT America's take on SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) in this video:

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