
Friday, June 24, 2011

URGENT: Congress Wants To Make Streaming A Felony | Demand Progress

Click the link below to sign the petition!

URGENT: Congress Wants To Make Streaming A Felony

"Tell Congress to oppose S. 978, the new 'Ten Strikes' bill

Here they go again: The big business lobbyists who are behind the Internet Blacklist Bill are already making the sequel. THIS WEEK Senators will be voting on a 'Ten Strikes' bill to make it a felony to stream copyrighted content -- like music in the background of a Youtube video -- more than ten times."

Linking/embedding content shouldn't be a criminal act - web users do it everyday to share content with family and friends, and have been doing so since the late 90's.

Again, sign the petition - it's a reminder that those movie and music industries are going up against the Web right now.

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