
Monday, January 28, 2019 Military Tribunals Have Started on Jan. 2

New year, new activity behind the scenes in America - the military tribunals have begun for the Deep State, for those who have betrayed America in so many ways that are fully known and documented. Many are getting arrested as the 65,000+ sealed indictments are unsealed.  - SM

Military Tribunals for Deep State traitors attempting to overthrow the
Trump administration and those involved in child trafficking will begin
in January. A secret meeting in Columbia, South Carolina has set plans
in motion for what will finally be justice served to those who harm
children and try to destroy our Republic, while former President George
H.W. Bush was quietly executed for his crimes in a plea deal. David
Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!

Online petition in circulation on impeaching Nancy Pelosi

America, we have a problem.

There is someone who needs to be impeached, fired, and removed from office.

There is a very particular leader in our country that is refusing to do the job that she was elected by the American people to do.

Not only is she refusing to do her job, her policies are dangerous for LEO’s and treasonous to America. We can no longer sit idly by and be abused by this woman and her selfish ideas of how she thinks America should be.

Friday President Trump announced that he would be signing a temporary deal that would fund our federal government until February 15, 2019 in order to make sure federal government employees would get paid.

This is from a petition being circulated on the web about getting Nancy Pelosi impeached.

Read more – Law Enforcement Today