Saturday, August 3, 2019
Smoke Detectors Secret Key To All Seeing Eye Spy Technology! (video)
Very good information from a patriot researcher who has uncovered a shocking truth! Every smoke detector sold since 2001 is a spy hub for the government! The researcher says the Snowden documents contained the information about the smoke detectors which is the spy hub for everything! The smoke detector puts out microwaves on special government run frequencies that can penetrate walls far better than normal wi-fi! What does this mean? If this is true and I’m sure it is, then your smoke detector can be accessed by cell phone towers and satellites to give anybody a detailed view of everything going on in your house! All computers, tablets, phones and smart appliances talk to the smoke detector seamlessly which relays all the information to the cell phone towers and satellites!
I always wondered why the CIA director bragged about how your dishwasher would be listening to you when the dishwashers weren’t connected to wifi. Well it turns out smart appliances, (probably everything with a chip) phones, computers, TVs, tablets etc are constantly talking to the smoke detectors which relay all the information back to the government! So even if you have no internet, computers or TVs in the house, your land line phones and anything else with a chip is talking to the smoke detector! I’ll bet even if you had no power to your house and pulled the battery, they could fire a microwave beam at your house from space to remotely power the smoke detector and other devices with chips and hear and see you! This is far worse than we knew! This is how any computer can be hacked even if it’s not connected to the Internet! I think this is a big secret revealed here and it connects the dots. I also like how the researcher tied it in with how ridiculous it is that all this spying is going on to “keep us safe” (THEY would say) but of course they are dumping fluoride in the water to dumb us down and everything else they are doing to us! It’s all a big fraud of course! Get the word out patriots and share the good stories you enjoy at where you find totally uncensored truth!
From Before its News
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Tech giants to censor all healthy living content that promotes nutrition, organics, clean water, clean vaccines or anti-cancer foods – Natural News
Big Tech seems to be on track of remove alternative information of GMOs and vaccine research, alternate remedies for cures and more. If it does not fit the Deep state ideology, most likely it gets censored and removed. They’re desperate now and more then ever.
What you’re witnessing is Big Tech, on behalf of the Deep State, censoring content they do not want on their sites, while destroying themselves and their user base. They’re in a losing situation. – SM
Over a month ago, I was contacted by a source who warned me that Natural News would be targeted for system-wide de-platforming. On Saturday, Facebook completely deleted the Natural News channel, citing nothing at all. Natural News did not violate any “community standards” or Facebook rules; the tech giant simply wanted us to be silenced and annihilated, so they flipped the switch and deleted Natural News and our nearly 3 million followers.
But that’s just the beginning of what’s being launched as a far-reaching censorship campaign against natural health information on the web. According to that same source who warned me about the impending censorship action against us, Big Tech is going to start censoring information about anti-cancer foods, organics vs. pesticides, glyphosate herbicides and anything that’s critical of GMOs, vaccines or Big Pharma.
Similarly, all content that discusses geoengineering, weather control, dangers of chemotherapy, fluoride or aspartame will also be censored. The internet is about to be almost completely gutted of truth, with all future content to be controlled by chemical corporations and pharmaceutical giants that spread lies and disinformation to keep selling their toxic products to the world.
Wikipedia has already been completely overtaken by the chemical poisoners, and all the various “fact check” organizations are already run by corporate interests. Soon, a “fact” will be whatever Merck, Bayer or DuPont claims it is. Real science be damned. All dissenting views that threaten corporate profits will be instantly labeled “fake news,” even if they’re completely true.
Mother Nature's micronutrient secret: Organic Broccoli Sprout Capsules now available, delivering 280mg of high-density nutrition, including the extraordinary "sulforaphane" and "glucosinolate" nutrients found only in cruciferous healing foods. Every lot laboratory tested. See availability here.
If you currently have a video channel on YouTube that discusses anything concerning nutrition, natural health, disease prevention, raw foods or superfoods, you will be banned. Move your videos over to as soon as possible, since we’ll be syndicating all health-oriented videos from Brighteon to several new topic-focused video websites to be announced soon.
The internet cleansing has begun… and all human knowledge that challenges the corporate monopolies will be scrubbed and erased from history
YouTube has already begun scrubbing historical documentaries as part of its accelerated purge. Facebook is going to start taking down all anti-cancer food channels, and diabetes will be next. MailChimp just started banning all vaccine safety email lists today, blocking any senders from distributing emails that are critical of vaccine safety. is about to dump all small brand nutritional supplements and replace them all with synthetic, toxic vitamin products made by Big Pharma subsidiaries.
The great purge of natural health content is here. Natural News being banned was just the beginning. You will be next. The radical, fascist left-wing techno-tyrants are now 100% opposed to clean food, clean water, nutrition and natural health.
Watch my warning video for more details:
Monday, June 10, 2019
Did The Government Just Test The Internet Kill Switch?
google cloud is down
google compute engine is down
gmail is down
google drive is down
nest is down
youtube is down
snapchat is down
uber is down
nextDNS is down
Pokemon Go is down
App Engine is down
google advertising up
Mike Adams: Facebook bans Natural News; Health Ranger responds with message for humanity (video)
Youtube has given itself the permission slip (amended it's hate speech policy) to target patriots even further, including those who post alternate views about 9/11 and Sandy Hook.
Big Tech isn't going to have a change of heart anytime soon, which is sad. - SM
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Government Fines Elderly Man $30K, Trying to Steal His Home Because His Grass Was Too Tall
Good code enforcement, or a way to take advantage of homeowners? – SM
Dunedin, FL — Jim Ficken is not a criminal, has never been in jail, and is a model citizen in the town of Dunedin, Florida. However, the government intends to rob him and steal his home because Ficken’s grass grew too long and Ficken was unable to cut it.
The entire police state overreach began for Ficken last year when he was out of town trying to take care of his late mother’s estate and his grass did what grass does, it grew. Knowing that it is unpleasing to neighbors to grow long grass, Ficken hired a friend to cut it for him while he was away, but that friend died and Ficken had no idea.
“The grass did what grass does… and a code inspector saw it was more than the 10 inches the city allows and Jim was on the hook,” said Andrew Ward, one of Ficken’s attorneys from the Institute for Justice, according to FOX13.
Because Ficken’s grass was over 10 inches, the city government claimed Jim owed them money. Every day that Ficken kept his grass over the “legal limit,” the government would steal $500 from him. This went on for 57 days, and now, the government claims Ficken owes them nearly $30,000.
From Activist Post
Monday, February 11, 2019
David Zublick - Shock Testimony: Hillary Died In 2016 (video)
A medical doctor who worked as a personal physician to Bill and Hillary
Clinton testifies at the military tribunals that Hillary died in 2016
from a horrible disease brought on by her own deranged behavior. But
through the miracle of modern science, she was revived, and her body
continues to function to this day. Taxpayers are footing the bill for
the technique that keeps her alive. But who is paying the price? David
Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Before it’s News: George Soros arrested in Switzerland
Justice finally caught up to Soros – he’s been known for utilizing his NGOs to subvert nations and fund protest movements. The behind-the-scenes mass arrests of those who betrayed and subverted America continues. – SM
George Soros was said arrested in Switzerland at 13:23 GMT on Feb. 3 2019. Evidently members of what was known as the Alliance stormed his retreat at Saint Margrethenberg, Switzerland based on a tip from local police. The Alliance was a military force working under orders of the Pentagon, GITMO Military Tribunal Judges and in conjunction with legal entities across the globe.
Soros has been suspected to illegally influence US elections over the years, was thought behind thousands of immigrants forcing their way across the US Border, his organizations were believed to own and control software used in state voting machines and even worse, the multi billionaire was known to be a leader in the Vatican’s Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. He was thought behind regularly scheduled Satanic Child Sacrifice Rites and Human Hunting Parties organized under the Vatican and involving children and kidnapped teens across the globe according to Kevin Annette of ITCCS
Monday, February 4, 2019
Youtube to hide 'conspiratorial' videos from recommendations page (video)
Just know that it's all about the Deep State agents keeping their narratives alive as possible while losing their grip on control. This is all that they can do at this point, since they do not have any current intentions of surrendering control.
Monday, January 28, 2019 Military Tribunals Have Started on Jan. 2
Military Tribunals for Deep State traitors attempting to overthrow the
Trump administration and those involved in child trafficking will begin
in January. A secret meeting in Columbia, South Carolina has set plans
in motion for what will finally be justice served to those who harm
children and try to destroy our Republic, while former President George
H.W. Bush was quietly executed for his crimes in a plea deal. David
Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!
Online petition in circulation on impeaching Nancy Pelosi
America, we have a problem.
There is someone who needs to be impeached, fired, and removed from office.
There is a very particular leader in our country that is refusing to do the job that she was elected by the American people to do.
Not only is she refusing to do her job, her policies are dangerous for LEO’s and treasonous to America. We can no longer sit idly by and be abused by this woman and her selfish ideas of how she thinks America should be.
Friday President Trump announced that he would be signing a temporary deal that would fund our federal government until February 15, 2019 in order to make sure federal government employees would get paid.
This is from a petition being circulated on the web about getting Nancy Pelosi impeached.