
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Alex Jones: Mancow, Ventura Interview Scrambled by Big Brother!

See video of Alex Jones discussing Mancow Muller’s radio show being scrambled during a interview with Jesse Ventura on certain subjects such as the FEMA camps and Fast and Furious. Also in it, Mancow claims that a TV show on this on TiVo was erased, which was featured as a season pass.

FYI: Scrambling on C-band satellite and satellite radio has been happening since the 1990’s due to blackout restrictions and legal reason, before digital satellite and cable came around with error messages telling subscribers why a channel is not available in their area.

Japan: Download a pirated file, and it’s a two-year jail sentence

We love Japan and their entertainment industry -  the anime, manga, J-pop, etc. But this seems to be the Orwellian approach to copyright enforcement on the Internet.

It doesn’t seem to involve any strikes approach of warning Net users of downloading questionable materials. Japan recently amended their copyright law that will jail illegal downloaders for up to two years and a fine up to two million yen ($20,000). The uploading of copyright materials still stands at a 10-year jail sentence.

For the folks in Japan, start protesting on this if this concerns you the most – because to make this possible, the Internet providers along with copyright owners will have to track your Internet usage in a effort to catch the infringers.

Japan Makes Unauthorized Downloading a Criminal Offense - TorrentFreak

UK Internet Copyright Police to Mail Out Notices by 2014

In their latest updated plans to deal with P2P file sharing networks that host copyrighted materials belonging to intellectual owners, it is said that ISPs in the country will mail out via post office copyright infringement notices to subscribers instead of email/pop-up notices over the Internet.

Perhaps they learned that email/in-screen copyright strikes notices are useless and can easily be ignored? Putting out the copyright alerts by regular post mail maybe the best effective way of tacking those alerts to the subscribers. Then there’s a chance the subscribers may have to acknowledge the copyright notice by mail in writing.

Check out the link to the article below for more.

New Details of UK Piracy Monitoring Plan Made Public - TorrentFreak