
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

CISPA: Fascist Takeover of The Internet, Take 3

Alez Jones of on CISPA and how the U.S. government will use this Internet censor/spying bill to their advantage.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Embed 2012: MPAA says embedding videos may be copyright infringing

The MPAA claims that users who embed copyrighted videos may be as guilty as the person who posted them - one of many still engaging in a Internet copyright war.

If the US appeals court hears this case and goes in favor of the MPAA, embedding content could soon come to an end, the ability known to make content go viral.

From Russia Today America

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Iranian Regime’s National Internet plans continue forward

Last March, it’s been said that the Iranian regime was testing out the National Internet system (or Intranet), before or during elections. The kind of Internet the regime will likely use to set up their servers and their own email and web search system. If this happens, the Iranians could be cut off from the rest of the rest of the world, and forced on the regime’s gatekeeper Internet. The Iranian regime would have to go through with it because it claims their own enemies are out there in cyberspace, national security and reputation concerns, un-lslamic/Western content, and more. Possibly in August, the Iranian people’s hope of getting online on the current Internet may be at an end. The government recently set up a council-level position just to oversee the Internet in their country. Denial or not, the current Internet as is, may make or break the Iranian regime, if they refuse to continue censoring content they dislike.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

DHS Wants Data From Video Game Consoles

From Newsy Tech: Homeland Security is teaming up with Obscure Technologies to crack video games consoles like the Xbox 360 to collect data, claiming terrorists may be using them to their advantage. Talk about inviting Big Brother and the Thought Police into the world of gaming.

Iranian Regime Denies Setup of National Intranet

Video from Newsy Tech: Whether the Iranian regime denies this or not, we have to assume they will continue to censor anything that is not of Islamic importance and services like Google and Facebook that they cannot control, and force its people on government-approved email and search engines, which they will likely control, track and manipulate.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Britain takes digital spying to the next level

In the name of national security and public safety, the UK government is taking intelligence gathering to a new level, with tracking emails, phone calls and text messages. But to request this info from Internet and cell phone provider, Britain will still need a warrant.

Russia Today America video on this:

SOPA changes name to CISPA

Change of plans, or more of the same? No more SOPA, now it's called the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act  (CISPA) - the bill that will allows ISPs to collect info on their subscribers (data retention) and subject to be forwarded to the government when requested, and it's all in the name of cybersecurity or copyright infringement. Plus law enforcement and internet security providers already have ways to go after cybercriminals and the like.

Russia Today America video on this:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Best of April Fools: The YouTube Collection

YouTube Collection page

Not to worry, it's just a April Fools joke.

Lewd online conduct on the web could soon be illegal in Arizona

If Arizona's harsh immigration law isn't enough, then how about this? The lawmakers have approved and updated an existing telephone harassment law that will apply to the Internet and other electronic communications, and the people of Arizona are really steamed on this one. Now all it needs is the governor's signature.

Careful not to say or post the worst of things while you're in Arizona, if this one gets in the law books.

Lewd or prude? Arizona netizens outraged over internet censorship bill — RT

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