
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Megaupload Shutdown by US Feds

Just after the SOPA/PIPA Internet-wide protest on Jan. 18th, the FBI successfully shut down Megaupload and its sister sites, and arrested the founder and others.

Wikipedia claimed that the site was blocked a few years ago by countries like India, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia for infringement, promoting Western ideals, and other reasons.

If you try going to it will lead you to a blank page.

The people arrested were charged with breach of copyright, money laundering and other charges.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the Internet fight against SOPA/PIPA?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wikipedia, Google, Reddit and others protest against SOPA/PIPA on Jan. 18

Anyone visited Wikipedia, Reddit, Mozilla, and other sites and saw their "censored" messages? It's because it's all part of a Internet-wide 24 hour protest against SOPA/PIPA blacklist bills. A video of Google's protest:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Belarus "localizing" the Internet by blocking foreign sites

Belarus will begin around Jan 6th to restrict use of foreign sites, perhaps by allowing sites hosted by the country.

Talk about attempts to "localize" the Net, by allowing sites within its borders. Violators of this law may subject to about a $120 dollar fine.

You can read more about this at the Information Policy blog.

Is Belarus Really Cutting Out The "Foreign Internet?" - Information Policy:

'via Blog this'

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Using satellites to block Net censorship?

There may be a way out of the world of Internet censorship after all, as computer hacker activists attempt in the near future to launch satellites to block censorship. Link to article below for more on this story:

Hackers plan to launch satellites to block Internet censorship - Hindustan Times