
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Alex Jones: UK protest videos removed on Youtube on UK gov't removal request

Video made on 5/20/2011: Alex Jones talks about the UK government requesting Youtube to remove protest videos of the British Constitution Group's Lawful Rebellion.

This is some of the footage that was targeted by the UK:

Freemen seize court and Arrest the Judge at the Roger Hayes hearing
Similar footage here
Youtube's Government Removal Request message

Monday, August 29, 2011

More Strict Internet Censorship coming for China

China's Internet censorship is still ongoing, as it tell ISPs there to tighten control over content that is harmful and fake, possibly content against the regime. Again its Net censorship only allows content that the Chinese regime approves of, while regimes in Iran and Pakistan continue their attempts to turn the Net there into an Islamic state.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Facebook, Twitter and BlackBerry hold talks with MPs after riots

From Sky News: It appears the UK government will not seek solutions to limit the use of social networks during times like the recent riots. Perhaps a good call for the UK regime to make because they saw how well social media is being used during the Arab Spring by protesters in repressive countries like Egypt, Syria and Bahrain. Western countries discussed these limitations happening in other nations when they're limiting people access to the Internet there at home. Hopefully Facebook, Twitter and others did not give in to the UK demands to limit communications, because this could possibly make one nation a police state.

America's war against social media

If the shutdown of cell phone service in San Francisco isn't enough, then the New York City police department formed a new unit to track people of interest who are plotting crimes with social media. So local, city, state and federal governments are willing to go after suspected people who use social media, so they have already admitted that in the past few years. Perhaps a good and sneaky way to track, trace and control the technologies we have today to their own advantage. From RT America.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Police state fears? Cameron calls to disrupt social media during unrest

UK's prime minister David Cameron and his parliament are looking at ways to get a handle on future riots and disturbances, including the interference of communications from social networks. It is said that Britain already has deployed Internet censorship to deal with "illegal" activity online, and this could take their ability to manipulate Internet communications, if deployed, to the next level. To the tech savvy users in Britain, are you prepared for this, should it come to pass?

San Francisco cell phone net shutdown

Perhaps the first shutdown attempt of free speech via mobile phone of it's kind in the U.S.? Russia Today America reports on this mobile phone shutdown in San Francisco, and perhaps the beta test of limiting communications.

Social Networking Sites Help Cops Fight Crime

Fox News on using social networks to go after criminals. For the rest of us, this may not be anything new - Local, state and federal authorities have used social networks online for many years to track down and identify criminals, persons of interest, or to look for evidence. When you go online, there is even the very slightest chance that you may be watched.